Show prohibition OUR WATCHWORD beware the thief is ig at our door insidious foe of home admit him not cut the selfish boar bid him salty sally forth and roam he flaunts destruction on his banner brazenly disputes our rights give defiance to his clamor banish him with will all 11 his hia blights baights with manhood Man hoods firm determination marshal virtues moral power guard our youth from dire temptation this is dangers darkest hour meet the foe of prohibition let no faltering strength prevail faithfully perform our mission minion though the demon hosts assail heaven will aid and angels guide us liston atif t the still mail voice know ye not what ere betide us honor leads to pa paradies prohibition beacons onward like the star in yonder sky prohibition be out our watchword love and duty well employ let us banish drink forever that has caused so 80 patch much dastra a with a mighty stroke now sever evils we have once caressed with our franchise we determine what our future course shall be let us don the pure white ermine of the loyal brave and free J S P BOWLER |