Show CEDAR CITY NEWS LETTER it la is understood that work on the new sheep association store build me ing will be commenced in the very near future A number of our citizens have pone gone to their mountain ranches for the summer they will engage in the daury dairying inz business rr for a few data das last week the people of this c ty suffered intensely from he be heat beat it seemed to be as a hot as ever it seta gets in july or august mahesh 11 dalley dailey spent saturday I 1 in pam 1 in attendance at the commissioners meeting assisting in corn piecing the equalization of the 1916 assessments A number of the bee hive girls of the past fast ward went an t to E enoh 1 friday fridal night and indulged ed them selves in a pi pleasant dance the girls girl report report having had a splendid time cedar is a pre to have rous ing celebration on the fourth and those who have the work in charge are endes endeavoring munir to make it of suh such a nature that no one will wi want rant to leave town on that day lay it is sold caid that the corn crop this yar will be greater than an adv yet hirie huested sted in iron county a auge acreage uge has haa heen been planted and the growth is more mere prolific than is cust customary marl jack lunt and two or three cedar girls were motoring towards sunday afternoon it is ii presumed that they went to the county seat to call upon some of their h many friends of that place parry corry and family of ogden are visiting with relatives and friends in cedar mr corry is a son of nur nor esteemed townsman win arn corry and is taking much delight in meeting with his many school days dave friends some of the farmers now claim that there will be a fair cutting of alfalfa after all at alist it was feared that the late frosts had bad practically 1 y destroyed the entire crops in e ertain certain fields but since the ext extreme eme warm weather has arrived the alfalfa has a jump and now how looks look splendid last wednesday was road day in cedar and a number of good roads reads enthusiasts went up the canyon and did some good work making the road passable for autos thursday evening a dance and supper was given to those who had worked amditis and it 19 reported that a splendid time was had by a all 1 wednesday H J Morten Mor tenon Ron of parowan carowan was wag noticed in cedr cedar what his hig business was we have been unable to learn last friday evening a surprise party was waa kiven given in honor of win williams williami at his residence those who attended report having a nice time miss misa winnifred corry enterkin en entertained net i her friends at a par party ty last friday evening on the roche lawn A jolly crowd was waa present and had a 8 very pleasant time the manager of the s muning pool was surprised the other day to find that about ten inches of the water in the pool had leaked out outside of a slight crack in the building no other damage was BBS don the prizes for the clean up con test were awarded a as follows follow 10 each to mrs alfred smith and mrs mn kate P rian for the best kept lawns lawn and warden garden abst a set of garden tools ti to chas chaa lundgreen for the best I 1 ept walks walk and a lawn mower to frank wood for the best kept lawn lat last Wed wednesday neelay henry nelson and mm miss verd vera harris were married at the home of the brides parents and after the ho ceremony relatives and friends ot at the couple spent a v very c ry enjoyable enjo vable time to aether zether the groom is the eldest conof son of mr and mrs john nelson and the oride a daughter of mr and mrs nazi harris both being well known and I 1 respected the happa couple will make their home in cedar and begin their married life with the best wishes of a host of friends friday jack walker one of cedars old time residents ped passed p ed a way he has been unable to be out of his room for quite a while he having reached such an advanced age that he hewa t as unable to move a round mr walker was one of the early settlers here and suffered all the hardships luc ident to the early each settlement it is understood und tood that he was onn one of the first men to en an gage age in the cutting of lumber in our moun mountains bains and was also one of the aroi freighters liters in the davs of pioche and silver reef he was a loval man toward his home town always loyal to a friend and no one u was as ever known to leave his door with out sympathy and help if in need of it he lle aas asand and always alwais has bien highly respected for his sturling stirling qua hies as a man and counted his friends by the score he leaves a wife and several children to mourn his departure |