Show STAR A STAR SHINGLES at carter lumber company miners amr III mile utah 3 50 per thousand thaud CARTER LUMBER COMPANY M 24 june 21 national forest timber for sale forest seal sealed o bids will be received by bv the be supervisor panguitch utah tab up to and including july J ly 8 1316 1916 for all 11 the merchantable dead timber standing or down and all 11 the live timber marked or designated des knater for cutting cutti nir on an area embracing embr acinEr about acres within see sec III 81 T 35 S R 7 W salt lake meridian marda the th sevier national forest pro at utah ut a h et mated listed to be 25 M feet more ciare 01 tesa less of if veil yellow put pine douglas fai fi colorado blue spruce and black boil bal sam in timber limber no bid of tw lc that thai sa 2 50 per der M feet will ill be considered D posit with bid 50 00 the to ti reject any and all bids reserved nef cafor bids are a so submitted b dotted full in f artion rma tion concerning concer nm the ambe umbe the eda e da a of if sale and the so sul n sion of bals bid should ho te de obtain ei from the forest supervisor S supervisor U par a it 11 ch utah first pub bulli june 7 last L eat june 21 2 RANDALL L JO JONES NES ARCHITECT EC T M rat nair tf f A addition anoa of I 1 arh ct CEDAR CITY UTAH LITAH G ECKLES painter iau ter paper hanger and decorator esi abote fr mahd kinds of work PAROWAN arki ur 1 e 1 C ii optometrist makes regular vaits to paro w wn wan n GIs GI s fitted and guaranteed G granteed aran teed repairing and lenses duplicated offit office in T tolton wlm block k P beaver 11 M J macfarlane M D phy mn sr surgeon CEDAR CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city di drug ug st store 11 i 66 can made mith v ith calumet cal u m et baling baking pot dr d r mother never had V ho leorne balines until oh used sed calumet bof amny strength ki 1 ho P drus bc in ur to orif uc e ca Calu R becj d nosh high ad A d 1 1 P NOT 0 GO p 0 CHIC ch sav v 00 oo 1 which is isit it ZM 1 I 1 war or graft I 1 friend consumer consomer let me sell you goods at the price you yon S I 1 paid for them ten y years ears ago Is it war that has raised the pr priced no it 13 a g graft raft with sar nar as the blind I 1 can save you 31 1 3 per cent on your spring and summer clothing I 1 carry I 1 13 terrt ing you wear f from the h shoe h to the h hat dont buy until you look ahr through 0 ugh my line I 1 will call on you soon I 1 I 1 ERNEST 1 I LOWE the clothing man ivi I ascent agent for ir iron 0 n beaver and washington counties A LUND TO SAN 01 DIEGO 40 AND RETURN 0 t a sea dutiful N open all year tickets on sale daily beginning ia MAY 10 long iong limits libet liberal al stopovers Stop overa al ti portland and seattle at slightly ian an francisco R routings tings via h higher ga rates it T two trains dally daily from lund to los angeles leaving leaving 10 02 a in and 8 22 p in D E WILCOX agent lund utah 0 J H manderfield MANDEK FIELD A G P A salt lake city utah j f tw i j t FRANCES C 1 go i and light draft holse hoi ae full lb ahe noted doted delving alv y cousin t to i the f famous a driving stallion Stal holl dan patch francea fla Fian cea C A will ill stand in summit and y radowan du duding the gedeon lenice sen ice 5 cash down A 46 8 time payment owner N C madsen mgr Gron gronway yaY parry yf KIP wats wf K tS va Chambe chamberlain ilat n tablets ave done W wonder for me 1 I have been a sufferer from stomach trouble for a number of years and although I 1 have used a great number of remedies becom tut tided for chii complaint chamberlains ber lains tablets is the first mad medicine ielne that hat has given me positive end and last ing relief writes mrs anna kudin spencerport p unc erport N Y chamberlains tablets ha have ve done gondera aders for me and I 1 value them very light obtainable everywhere READ THE ADV 9 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE I 1 am desirous of disposing of my home in cedar city and will sell it at a bargain it is 13 located right in the heart of the town on main street and consists of a large brick house well finished I 1 will also sell a large tract of valuable farm land located wv eral miles north of cedar ideal for farming and stock raising i all prop property pro penty erity will bear investigation and is located in that section of iron county that i w growing by leaps and bauthis in a few years the land will double in value it if you are interested write or phone me JOHN PARRY I 1 cedar city biah utah vS SC 2 S BRING YOUR HIDES PELTS 11 T to the parowan carowan tannery where you can get all the highest cash dilce pi ice for them y and remember that you can buy the best in A chrome and vegetable leather fc patronize home industry wm win pritchard carowan parowan utah gs sawing commenced U W we ire have plenty offos on the yard and is now tn in full swing swin ire are prepared pr to fill all orders if you want seasoned lumber we can supply you have orb on the bald which IV I 1 UC I 1 1 was cut last season WALTER C MITCHELL UTAH m ism fresh meats boaya on band rand at atta als CITY MARKE T i john prop PAROWAN UTAH eis SS IE ms m s I 1 A splendid bargain ll 11 A well equipped farm 80 acres good house 11 barn granary stables workshop and outhouses put out houses 7 flowing y 1 46 acres now under cultivation balance good pasture land fl all well fenced il ONLY TAKES IT i CLEAR TITLE GIVEN t ON ONLY LY amiles 4 MILES FROM PAROWAN fj IF YOU WA WANT N T A FARM WORTH WHILE ya jj COME AND investigate I 1 1 another bargain 1 V 40 acre farm und under r cultivation 12 horse power pump pj well throwing gallon per minute garnard Gar nary mary team hat har va ness wagon harrows harrowa and other machinery goes with it J ONE OF THE BEST SNAPS OF THE vf FIRST I 1 A ENT 2 BALANCE ON TWO YEARS tl TI E J if you want a farm that will wil suit ut you incesti gate now ai rollo rollof smith asmith real estate agents ft sa S RENT AN e UNDERWOOD to 0 it typewriter taj simplicity is its fundamental I 1 1 I principle largest corporations S 31 all champion typists used by and i most expert operators the mach machine ine you will buy j |