Show commissioners MEET monday night in the court house the commissioners of iron county met in regular session their being present lunt knell and evans eans attorney fife assessor williams and aid county clerk W warner mitchell the following business was trans acted wm win P barton and mr edwards of the paragonah Para gonah town board peti the commissioners for a certain um of money received some twenty years ago from a sale of town own lots lota in paragonah Para gonah gorah mr ed wai ds stated that the sale was made during the of probate judge page and he thought that the money was still in the treasury never having been used by bv the theroun coun ty ly and asked the sum about 80 be given to paragonah Para gonah town corporation po ration to be used for improvement of streets and sidewalks mr air barton also asked that they be given the privilege of using the paragonah Para gonah poll tax for 1916 on t the a streets a of the town the me matter ater was re refer ere ed to county artt attorney for informs ton tion with ith instruct instructions i 8 to report at tre next nest meeting of the commissioners sio ners to be held a some me time this week A citizen reported that the road chich had been designated as aa a county road running from roth nah long along se section etura line to intersect with the road leading to the gap lad had been fenced in by curtain certain parties with gates at each end to allow of passage of teams he asked that the he parties who sho fenced the road be instructed to remove same so that travel could be had unobstructed he also stated that this thia was the road us that would be use used 11 by paragonah Para gonah gorah people to reach the parowan carowan lund lend highway that is now being built and would give them a direct outlet to the railroad the matter was re to commissioner evans evana and road supervisor to investigate and report at a subs subsequent quent meeting commissioner lunt reported that jane pryor of cedar city had been allowed a remittance of taxes for 1914 19 14 but for some reason she had to pay her full tax last year she WAS uni unakie atile to pay and her property had been sold by the county cum corn lunt thought in view of the fact that her taxes were not remitted in 1914 that an appropriation should be made sufficient to redeem her property on motion of core coromis bidner evans bame was as done A communication from state slate road commission suggesting that 2 be set aside for road purposes by iron county I 1 in order to insure inere the state expending on roads in the county was read and dus d us d at considerable length corn com evans thought that a smaller amount should suffice as he claimed that to set aside 2500 would mean an extra tax levy and as tax taxes were high enough as it was he desired to keep the then down as much a as poa pbs sidle knell thought that 2500 WAS as not any too much for roads in the county and stated that the money would be spent and RO go directly to the people evans agreed that he was right but intimated that it would RO go to only a few after some further discussing as aa to the benefits to be accrued from this amount of road money a motion by knell was passed that it be set aside the queston question of sending a delegate to the state road convention was spoken of but no action taken A letter from the secretary of state refer to the uncollected auto licenses of iron county in which it was as stated that iron county count was practically the only county an in the state that was behind in this matter was read ad by bv corn com lunt targia a assion cand and after d discussion b it was decided to instruct ane sheriff and road com tra coner to inform all auto owners ito to secure licenses immediately or buffer the consequence a As several people of the county have failed to pay their last years taxes the treasurer was instructed to collect same by law sheriff was waa instructed to render the treasurer assistance in the matter mattec of seizure of property for taxes if not paid when proper request is made adjourned to convene again at close of board of equalization meeting |