Show interesting NEWS FROM CEDAR CUT CITY mr and mrs mra bennett are in town visiting with mrs webb dr F 11 petty is back in cc cedar der and again at work verk in his dental of ne n e mis eunice MackIe prang la is now at home spending her summer vacation last week a new babal baba boy was brn birn to mr and mrs john S bul loch mr and mrs worthington aie now rejoicing over the aral ar al of their first baby dr Mf mcfarlane orlane went to st george last at week to deliver the baccalaureate bacca laurete sermon to the dixie graduates mrs mra adelia adeba muria mune and mrs mra con bingham of salt lake city are here i with relatives and friends the recital given sunday night by the music students of the B A C was very much enC ened by those who attended miss anna anderson anderaon was brought in from froin lund last week very ill with rheumatism the lady has been away teaching school it is understood that judge green wood will come to delier the baer bacia laurete laurels sermon at the commencement week exercises of the B A C atty ally ryan dr A N leonard and sheriff corry made a trip to paro para wan last saturday to attend tend to some important bus business matters lat friday evening earn cedar der was favored with an ent entertainment erti t given givan v encerti by Hawaii Haw anana iIA th those wl who attended llan d report having enjoyed it we are welcoming home our sta students and teachers who have spent the winter in other towns but are sorry orry to lose the B A C students it is reported that cedar is 11 to have tw two a new garages one to be built by david bulloch G parry and tre horne home jones jonea and the other by the ford auto people the district school closed last F an fn day do several of the teachers save attie their grade a little farewell party appreciated very much by bi the children the new pool room operated by bi john isbell seems to be begetting getting its is here of patronage of course only those who delight in pool playing placing are noticed there the recent rain storms were very much appreciated by bv all aal as it came just in time to do a great deal of good to the farmers and laid the dust in our streets which fact causes the town residents to smile a little more or cheerfully COLLEGE NOTES the program given in chapel last week was enjoyed very much cepec lally the talk given by rev rice all the students are am preparing to take their final examinations and expect to receive high marks there will be two third year graduates this year along with the seniors they are durham morris morns and bonnet bernet lamb lambson the large group pictures of the whole hole school are now out they are beautiful pictures ande and ee erv 7 student ought night to he hae a one the invitation for commencement week are now out and it is expected a that a large arg A number of the sup porters of the college will be in at bendan the juniors entertained the seniors and faculty in the auditorium i of the college eol leffe last lait friday night A splendid time was had bad by every person who attended we expect the seniors to publish their student week and ea e it with us ua As a momento of their successful school year at the B A C the agricula will bo distributed this week sometime we ale are all looking anxiously for it as it is claimed the book will be the equal of any published by any school in the state stare held their last ing big it time me in the gym friday night it was aar adr a drawing ir party with the girls doing the drawing the students certainly had bad a jolly time and the evening will be long lone remembered by them |