Show FOR SALE improved city lot in northwest par pait t of town For furth er information enquire of ady adv tf if STEVENS Excia excursion tickets via salt lane lake city account of L D S conference pal ath to ath inclusive excursion tickets on sale from nephi eureka mammoth silver city and stations a as east april ath to ath malt incisive v e re return turn limit april from a all 11 ote other start stations april 3rd ard I 1 to a ath in inclusive clusty return limit april 15 inclusive march 22 april 5 R 4 how complexion ono if your skin is is pimply muddy or rough all the face creams c salves and powders in kingdom come won t make it clear lesu and beautiful unless you are am working right onside i I 1 eat a few figs and drink a little senna tea every night for two weeks avoid pie and greasy food then come to us for the finest cold cream the most healing toilet soap scrap the safest the softest talcum and the most cleansing tooth soaps to be had get your sennia senna leaves from us today parowan carowan drug company a revl 0 cal ac ica N A L LI I 1 F FO 0 R N I 1 IA A y f where i it is sum p mer n er all the time t oil ij I 1 excursion X 10 n tickets a on sa sale ae daily H climit 6 monies ireina ddll T 1 A 1 11 1 1 ca a af arent nt lund 11 d n tl k your gt lit for 01 ht re or uffe itu I 1 ae J H mm 71 G P sail lake city i pan panama calif california mis international exposition san diego open all year U y attention JJ 13 v our garage service will give entire vj salis satisfaction faction remember we do ta t e fol highest dabs of repair voik v not oik k I 1 i x 0 o li pert machinist macli inist in charge j IY if you need extras for your fil f us get them for vou v ou wt wi acin save g you money 1 V parowan carowan garage electrical co V 11 F 19 I 1 native lumber 0 0 at the mill or delivered anywhere lit ID sj the county sold in the rough yf I 1 or planed price right j ri no fidei too large none too small f a j g walter C mitchell carowan parowan Pa rowin rowan utah 14 S j fr 1 0 o 0 THE MAN WHO buys HIS I 1 VISIONS A I 1 lyl 1 H GURRIS CURBS 3 knows that he gets the BEST on the market C and at live and let li live v e prices why you hear them say go to fol burrs am the square deal store M V t V GURR CURR PROP PAROWAN LI U 1 DO YOU USE MEAT r f you do hir ba sure and d eoma to fo ill chii M CITY NIA y giors vh you can get th ma bet in aeh resh ril R il ate and d other the deais or in season tl J davenport pa h PAROWAN UTAH GARDNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE r I 1 will have a large quantity of plants for resetting they will be ready for delivery may 1 and hid will be b shipped to A any address by parcel post every plant guaranteed to be perfect J when shipped I 1 I 1 will have the best in tomatoes cabbage auli flowe A etc 7 YOU CANNOT DO 00 BETTER THAN TO DEAL WITH ME satisfaction guaranteed A THOMAS LAWRENCE CEDAR CI CHY ay UTH cc c c wS fi |