Show FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD Cali california forma syrup of figs cant harm tender stomach liver and bowels E every wy mother realizes after giving her be children california syrup ot of pigs figs that this la Is their ideal laxative because they love it its mate and it thoroughly cleanses clea the tender little stomach liver mid and bowels without gr griping g when bipin e croas irritable feverish or breath I 1 is bad stomach sain it at the tha tongue mother it if coaled give a cep teaspoonful sama 1 or 11 t thia 11 harmless fruit 1 laxative live and I 1 d 1 in a few hours boom all 11 the tha foul con constipated at ted west waste sour or line bile and undigested food passes out of the tha beds bow and you have a well playful child gain again when its ita little BIG system Is 16 full of f cad cold throat sore am has haa stomach ache dbarth diarrhoea n as indigestion collo colic remember a good inside turning cleaning should always be the first treatment given millions Mil llona of mothers kothera keep heap california syrup of figs handy they know a teaspoonful to today d ay saves a sick child tomorrow ask at the store for a bo 00 met bent bottle of I 1 C california lif orld syrup of figs which has directions di cv for liable babbes children of all ages and grown upa printed on the bottle adv IF BACK HURTS CLEAN KIDNEYS WITH SALTS drink let lots of I 1 water and stop step eating meat for a while if the bladder bothers bathers you meat torro form uric title acid which excites and a nd overworks the tha kidneys tn in their a efforts aln s to fliter filter it from the system beg regular else sa batera tar of meat at must net flush the kid in s 0 occasionally on oa must ra clevely hera th them like ilka you refine a your bow els ale removing all 11 the adds acids waste and ad poison else elsa you feel a dull misery mi cry in the kidney region sharp pal balna la the back or sick headache dizziness your stomach sours at too tongue I 1 la cooled coated nd 4 when the weather la is bad you have rheumatic hM tl twinges twinge the urine Is cloudy lull full of sediment the channels often get irritated obliging you to got gat up two or three times during the ro neutralize these irritating acids and rush oft off the body a win we waste yet get about tour four ounces of jad salts from any pharmacy take a tablespoonful 1 in a glasa IS of water tar before breakfast for a few days daya and ami y your our kid neya eye will the then act fine and his bladder adder ils disorders orders disappear this famous salt salts is made from the acid of g gre grapes re and ad lemon juice combined with lithia hills and bee baa be been faed led tor for generations generation to el clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and step atop bladder jad salts Is inexpensive a harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia bible water drink which of men e and ft omen take now and then i thus ho avoid ing serious li kidney doey and his bladder der dis ases a ad adv v HUSBAND SAVED HIS WIFE Se stopped topped most terrible suffering by getting her lydia E L pi Pinh ankh hams amas vegetable compound do denison to texas after my 7 little girl was forn bura ago 1 g I 1 I 1 bg began suffering f n g with iab tactics female trouble troubie and could hardly do my work I 1 was very nervous but just kept dragging g on until last 11 summer M rw when I 1 got t where I 1 could not hotd do my w work I 1 would have a thin chill every aay and ad hot but and dizzy spelts pelt and my head would lit almost I 1 em bursts I 1 got I 1 was almost a walking skeleton and life was a burden to me until one me day do y my husband a stepsister top told my lma husband b d it if he be did not do something for wa me I 1 would world rot not last long and d told ld him hirn to get yen so soho ha g it L adial vegetable compound for me A and after taking the fiat three cosea d I 1 began to improve I 1 continued its use and I 1 have never had bad any aay female trouble einck I 1 feel that I 1 ow my afa to you and your ei they did for me what seem doctors could not do and dmd I 1 will always praise it wherever whatever I 1 g go mrs G da 0 LOWERY ha WM W mon terey my street denison ZT texas y if you yen are ar buffering from any a form 0 of faund I 1 ills 11 git get a bottle c atle of lydia E Pink hamB A V vegetable gamble croup compound d mal and commence the treatment without delay |