Show WASH HOUSE BURNED les estada rooming 0 clock tile chino e laun launzry ary I 1 lou ou e ot of chal chack iea in tl e ui per pait ct of blinton Ol inton n and in tie alet back ot of ewell lu bu cher bhoj daht baught file and was to tilly debroid det roid ilia lite heathen bu it a lire fire in tit it s tove w tit coal oil and in ili hort short tin e hia bib cameles ness culminated bl Alem membris beis ot of the file bi alade were nere on the pot spot w with ith the ho e v cart in n tune time allot tie alaia a given I 1 ul ut alt all that coull be dona done haq to 10 s sue te if lie e ad ining inin ie te idene of N B I 1 icum e boas did good b i arvice 11 e build nf ng wu was owned by it arlei shield and tl ti e losi on il it will ill I 1 each ot mot e cl mess inese lost ever everth tit ng I 1 te e poa pos e ned ted and did not tae taie in ot of ill clou clott ea e belonging lo 10 ins his cu toniea charley WAS quite beverely eve rely butner about the be licad nd and cl binl I 1 inda in ins liin tic et ef foite lo 10 rave property froin the dvoor in ing ibis does not make lii lilt i leel feel bo aio IB a aa to think ot of having at least luo worth of waihing I 1 1 ahe lie total loss jobs will not fall of 0 P 00 |