Show PREPARING TOR FOIL TUB DOOM since the tuckel bill which it Is Rene generally rally conceded couce dad will proe tha the entering between mormon misrule in utah and abineri folio follo i ed edly by business prop prosperity erity has entered upon its fint filst stages of new light his dawned on u TV IN e ba hae e the assurance of more con cott kies unal imal legislation being be bestowed stoNed on ibn this mi guided and afflicted territory hs its the lie exegetic fa s of iho the times may inay demand III this fills with jo joy and hope the beairs beat ts ot of those who have tha the best of utah at detale and at the same time gives ample and rene renewed aed to capitalists abroad that within the bounds of this rich teri Tern tory no held for lefiti mate investments with s guarantees Ru of many fold I 1 are to be found the panorama as it were is very encouraging and promises boun to every loyal citizen who has watal ed waited and worked wot ked to see the approaching loom abts th tima when ben this territory si valuable mineral agri cult cultural and manufacturing resources and its grand commercial possibilities hall bae haie been developed to the fullest measure io 10 thi end entwine entA tiie citizens cit eizens of ogden salt like lake and elsewhere are agitating the teas feas ability of oiga organizing riming a of commerce and dond maid ot of with franchis throughout the thi this plan is an excellent one full of 0 wirtae and no valid betiong bet ebeLt ions can be raised against it IN bisone isone one will deny that by a general orgin izat ion of bu business sines and indu industrial atrial the mard cf tt fiade ade great good to the tei Tein tory niad nia be easily accomplished ahe I 1 he mining industry v will ill be stimulated manu fact aring will be rei revived ived agricultural ag and stock raising interests will nill bo be pro new life will be infused into comma acial pursuits pursuit i and as a last con miler ide ration arton general business inter cour e will by suo successful of A thor organized mardof biard of be harmonized and facilitated lien hen such hall ahall ba bo park city gity will be boom ing its out put of ores and bullion will i ill reach IF annually where it is now mew our population will wil number 40 or moi moie e soula lusine business ft ill fl flou iuli and unmeasured pros anty parity will everywhere abound will be d very soon before the events of shall shall have been marked we trust that all who have baye board of trade buc business iness in view will not forget tuat the prosperity pros ity of the money producing and labor finding in dux ditnes tries of camp docs does not to so much depend on what an organization may or may not do for this comi community aunill I 1 let et it wei e well that our rich mineral reso reson nices tees be not slighted rither they should be reely freely advertised in I 1 the he hope of some more spara in millions illions comma coming hither in quent 01 ol 1 table and surely investments the result of so doing means cioper ous bus business ineis to all pat ta of the lern tr jorj it would be well to bung bi ing about the desired end if it a board of trade in itself independent I 1 though bough ti tributary to the ma n body were ere established in park cita by our busi busenes bu sines nebs and mining men I 1 let et in the absence ot of that we feel foel assured that such enterprising man as R 0 chambers and L 1 I leio 1 at ra who are heart and in th fadle t lale lake organization vi fiill ill do everything legit mate and practicable to build up park city s reat mining and bui nei neti interest interests I 1 he boom is corn ing iu and it will take in park city in its cout couie ze I 1 Ihei be eforo it is to everyone s profit to prepare for the approach of Pios penty perit y with all her attendant aden dant blessings and advantages IT is understood tuat the n al committee allessand will at the next council mee inee inc ing lee ice ommond that the of Li A appleb appleby asking foi a cable railway right of vay way ibe the street of laal k city submitted about three month tago sago benot granted ibis 11 will be in accord with the poi pot ular sen ciment 01 ol the con coll and the pe should hie bae been so ic ie ported on lone long aa it would be well enough if f a aj indicate insists on running a ca calac I 1 roal through the to in n to compel the tile parties pArti eito to mke make i i of own oun on the sida ghete would not be obstructed and PIO pi opert Perl would not depreciate in value CITY TT orti BOB lion WADI ILL would like ille the Aldei Alde nien injen ani an ants to think that tl it e city charter and t le 0 idin ances framed it are il it iral legal inoperative and that the muni munt cir ciril d corporation corpo corpor ralton alion is leall in id a devil ot of a fix it may inay be so but it will take a ledier ledi ir I 1 ed than hobs to convince con vinee the average mind of the of tit tl in Wad dills claim is liaf himself no rood flood I 1 chec lie c inin tn unity ned li live ave no to f dm in at what th esteemed teemed an aal I 1 ieru table fity uty athorne Al At torne mv daviu or lilt leport of tie tle city liea surer abo bowed ed that so bone ne wag was in the treasury lans is an excel lent e receipts f r ire fi ir wilt will amount to about 8 rind ind wil lithe balance that will on hind h ind june Is wo ae think tbt tny lily did ivill be warranted in oid old lie ald improvements ufa ofil I 1 kleiv I 1 e I 1 lelnd es aro are devoting da voting a booi gooi dal deal of attention to labor leer lation jut at TI tie e maine leg has bas pasted a ten hour liw applicable to boll bo under 1 teen eaic old and to girls and women employed in estal liah ments the un or twelve in tit or rne me cb anial cst is in the connecticut a bill has been agreed on providing for the appointment of county and another looking to the of trades unions with powei to hold property sue ue and ie le sued and make contracts conti acts for labor in the Masac Mas achu bu etts legislature legis laure lalure an employers employ erb liability bill his bis b is been reported report sd it fixes the maximum compensation to be b e in case of personal pe pets ional onal injury at 1000 and in incise case of deith de ith at the bill bi I 1 I 1 is inn ion la lo i i I 1 pliable abie tible to ino it aeb b bi redon plant not ilina died on tin pirt of he 01 of persons 0 with luperi ision and by reison tl of net licence on olar S on railroads raili oads ro entitle an empl vetto loabe the benefit of the act he mutt hay agten information ot 0 tny defect neg licence liable to ciu 0 injun it lie knew of it by b an PIH pin to an inqui drice funi or eclief society maintained for indemnification toi lot injuries for wl ich compensation inay may be it le covered under the act will be allowed to mitigate damages jude cooley whee oo opinions inions upon legal questions always command alien atten lion and has expiated himell as if f the opinion I 1 that bat the pra ice ot of paying for thestle thes ile eftick of tick e s aich a in mi western loads have decided to contina cont inu is cont contido I 1 ar to the inter later state Comme commerce ice law he de clates that among the anh winch which the lie new law was intended to remedy tl ti e system ii was a one of tho e urgently demanding reform lie ile pay hesayo he says IMS has caused moia uncut and lias has led to moie serious troubles in t benger i is enger effurs than adyth tic ng ele nearly all the pas nger rate w irs during the last few beine caused by the commit commissions being nabei use for the pui put pose cf cutting lates judee looley ooley that one of the first aati ot of tha the railroad cammi corn mi sun sim mil will be to the stem ille illegia il tilt inter state commerce laJ law though bough barely in operation is 13 fore hallowed by failure mere more the thinking public is convinced that it is a pet nic ions ious piece of designed deigned to play into t ie hinds of the railroad raili oid oad coin cont panics ratler raft er than guard the bet in of the people and foster the great industries of the countin fhe first impulse aas trat flat the new law b a benefit to the country but on seeing aa it elasticity few of the acrobatic acio balic batic rocil rhe inter slate state law while largely expert mental will han have e to 10 be greatly modified or repealed repeated before commerce and bui bust ness relations relation will swill moo along with the facility and lati faction fiction that bould be oL observed served it no inch radical chango had occurred tin tim ic ie in the Kisi ane sanf invest ignition onlo moie demonstrates demong thit arinio v bill ill somo or later ci chop op out if the hen lion IN in h K hag is ot 11 guilty of the miny many crime charbel ind and there can be little doubt about it ha he is car tai aal ili a lery very bad nun at this late day even if he has lived j d reputable leput able life so lone long lie should be made to filly atone forem for im sins tit tt etheiel y delayed an I 1 defeated justice liny inq OP vindicated and a timely barnini war warn nini iniz imy bo be given eiven to other wayward and high conid |