Show A SILVER twi hare have sung of rosy dawns ifor of or ill BH sunsets damn low and na of that la inter hour bou r be glitters ill through if the rosy while bid mid silent spheres ere rites the dr ning hat ilat the pott I 1 yd 1 to 0 r b e who wit will tell ia ift nam num MI lr l r worthy r aby cf of the theme the story of hat that mat fical cli drama of or nature tho ill sil ter ver in in tha L of ft it knon 0 as tile lie cotton mon licit belt of south We watern Ateria Mp orria them there the isotherm Is tm 1 mi tropical he ile almost flat bat eliab ly undulating landscape lands cipe 1 or was wa twenty year years agn under abe ligh calif batou of the it ight of verdure in the month of ail and may the all krill ito and may all Cr criesi tho abuk leaved ambrosial ambi 4 live oak the heair scented ni rOAR ARDolia gran diflora flon foien tho upper fo liace belting ibe the clear dat k aronds onu bat dot ilia tow low flat level tracts around teddy border borders jhb cione sand curlews curfews callon call en heir daik bosoms io om swim ilia broods ot of mallain and teal tal ducks all thi hi beauty and picturesque charm of nature do not leang to mountain landi lands alone lo 10 bothe the lover tf vf nature in nil till her chapel and moods th tb a pond land Is full of bitaut aa am of I 1 loom it Is 11 lively at all reasons of tl e rear jear all till hours of the dy day but le alev when teen latiker a liver sun rise not mery of the abola Is his wonder aonder finessed it tales takes peculiar condition li of the at mo sphere to produce the be phenomenon I 1 0 the want belongs the task of telline telling esba are that protace the lb silver sidn e I 1 will try so describe in april or may when I 1 lie emly spring I 1 sins that have nave soaked tho the soil arill filled the ponds and alien the flush and lasty laity screen cities to the earth have ceased to fall when the atmosphere is ranfred ly by a it boat that inabel the tourist cotton irrow row visibly unde your eye e in the dark ot of is that Is is onla cooler than the night la in 9 CD to have watched the motion of or the constellation constellations in the clond eu ess heaven you may rise its I 1 hare have risen morning t after fter mor rilar tip lo 10 catch that fleeting flie ting alist tiena in tha the first firlit act of the tile drama drame iett f it sunny day ja a the tanny sonny goala iOu tb 0 Donot do not wait ivall loli earthe clo clock Astrike crib or look at tour watch but w abe be dawn i ia Js apai the twitt swift passing dawn of that 1 latitude hinds a vi huh jois will bmw by bytha the low w murmur of of inlets an I 1 bird it to around you io lire and hasten forth ion 04 can LA n fee see the alite sindi sandi under your our fiet feet I 1 ut at larely nob ibe the lona rray gray that I 1 stilt like stalactites flom thi tho branches tran che of the tree above conr our bead bAi donly only faintly in the gloom made nible by alit aad and the he gwilt moving dlou la 10 that latitude lati tudo twilight ond and dawn are matters of only a fw minutes ibe the stars blare oat out a it 0 datre ore ia in abe of the ruins linn sun la in ane lie negi 0 PA orlance dance cf of be old times it it is broad dar day before you knour know what louara u are about the rims of g the ponds the he full cypress and nd oak I 1 he lie heavy tra trailing ilind creepers of the vines th abe a I 1 likit swaying banners of or aws every tiny biajo of gratis aad and leaf ear of plant ata weed treed very aery bower flower POW and wheel of A AM M cobweb ii js imus 4 with ulf dew bul but it does po gnp it louk looks alm ostor quite ike 1 ke hothir fisit pread spread over the ocean like expanse of land and water like a white veil teil blend blending w and makine more ful the dain ker verdure of the around the pools pool and the glowing em fiala w color chades of or the cotton and aca orn corti fieldi j A Allio I 1 usand molin boking bit as re all of t sudden cleaving cleavia gr the blue vault above ahe oa oil with wil btuch such tt of binti of kited art ai as sky ky lixi lalif never di earned of in f t if cna one of the be southern mock ing at birds ever bean bears the tiong of one on rf f t those hose carlish skylarks tb abe lata late 1114 W england found a is home for in the nija dowa of now jerse jersey be he will mat tat him so to badly in lit lis own mn aona tatt the ariti ii will hide bide his hi head bead under tinder hut his wing poor loor thing and ff die ot grief anil ana shame afar off fi ont thing thicket ana leafy covert conic comes tha the cooing of is ad doves the be silt of ai as many the at ailt tries of the led birds of the cat aird and the notes afman vf man aber feathered fath song ott who 0 nacie ou must learn giom mr Aa diibon lna ins thurs beis too lai alt casicas than ilia tile bird tini sing arora frou iho the jaby boughs lou itil and ani lebl el ei ill aile ls bathed f till it were ere in thip outi arof 1 qaid n elixir elody this filst diki AH pit of the opera of the bai day sud derly without warding wilh with no rory rosy flow plow to herald ill tu coin cow nf ng up from tua the alito bite iusti loran bursts the aun a I 1 laze of 11 fer ter lislie bigger thin ili in the ligat b cart wheel bat that ever wu batna navind diz flint wi often thousand 1 a raish A b alver ter mil call i at on a flail ink tog elec elee trio light through pates ct of try crystal stal hood flood cy the landscape lands capo aith silver lace with diamonds and po powdered pow vidt dired red with dut bf f tha the coloring of thos ceni ii Is lit lat in ms diati thed abed over V I land toll kway jintil u lin 11 ill til th 0 ling elew KW is bt in the tb all very hazi cf the bor ion zon it looks as ira if all ran lind lini I 1 fid PA fi d met cast lo 10 do bitt a en on I 1 he hell of silver pano phed in sintilur bilier mail and every hild shield and ami decked and with igei iu peat not of ona one is there rest in tins tills wc a lsne whdeh lit lats but a Is fw lw local till alksne Al I 1 for ilia first iradi of morn inglr c spa sparkling lkling lanner of i lonjinos lon mals and the first warm warin kin oi ot the be a xam x iivohen iivo vast aha he pi III listing A pageant all away Y alvil I 1 of A ain bit 8 |