Show tac tan CONCERT gain reir evening aln a very vert appi apri aemi iva gathele in society hull hall lo 10 to ilia the K g for min libie li ibio nan a beacht I 1 h be a Or chestr t ra 1 I 1 by Ms W bond ct tt 9 a I 1 A flito ate first and echi ec cond ui violins and lits viol opened the ainan vall ived ahta fol low lifted lofted ed it viol 0 bolo solo I 1 by W bond w which aich received a cordial xo greetin pre etin tine aal lair L 1 bi ble pegan next rang a voial tolo solo lm lill being accod accompanied canted 0 the be piano by 31 ms 9 lay i arl eho o ste WM was billowed fill owed by ml III ja jai R U t in pion mr lir hns has a tull full round voice and find tf if ba he old give riva it tha the proper prope tr lining unini ho would woul d mako make a It leading adins tiner tho the ino irto froin IiI iino was next ang sung by all mii 41 elgan and anc mei met rill ihen then followed an intran quartette bv by meer caine decker and dalvey evns lating of avi 0 and two ruitaro ili chit linvol musical ire ret it was follo followed v e db bj a duet the mn sjef bjoro 0 re us un g by pellan and ih kl kol 0 IN it as the kingi hl highway liway by mr nir goil inal in ha udd anex an excil rell nt ut 0 of hn till voi vol e and tile ali careful tra training inina it had hod underwent il it MIND atily lie a ws wai aba heartily applan 61 chii pong ion i on wai followed oll owed bv bl a qu ill lette spilies adean el ly mr ura iter misses 1 L use and youth young and blessis gorlinski Gorl Gorli inki nAt and mer liand rill alno I 1 to from tho the by MFR mrs aunill aliases liagin an ant I 1 nav julai iff tam al we arll I 1 reca rece ve vei I 1 abt bt cloeting cloin our ill vali nall of Ili alun taa A as P inc ty ilki Pei perrall rall ly mr ir V kalso cu on tie elluta lluta an all I 1 mis mi s leml halio at the piano woi wai viall re aia a vary or as was a by the neill arous I 1 lindith lin dita an I 1 hearty encores I 1 he lie ringers fingers til all acquitted ai united quitted tre tremelt in tile creditable manner band and every body vm was well pleiad with the entertain ent etain ment the tile cloaie the concert willi oni of their fina when the nul 0 ivea iva a higa one departed for their loramai MIM itlo is 11 an adopt lit at the piano and arid her list wore were played to a most skillful Lil ci anner I 1 tar I 1 ful at as of liaa hi hitchcock Hitche ock the el cut who bilies in ester tonight to night in lu society fall are we hare have been binl ciui I 1 true to lira ana were taken by tha the ihlan fineout kine anelu out process from real us ind la id howo ot of her car recitAl ioni |