Show MAN ITAN any n chita t inn no who virid ill h few rila in alric t that eat hubart srah is a likely kely I 1 to hive have A il 0 recep receptive tie ri and nd is 18 certain to fin ind himself hemsi if tmora natives who in lit their intelligence atts and phynie il mil and moral qualities are ore not equalled equal led br by many ol 01 the native tribes ibis I 1 bin fact facto indeed is true of men eaters the world oter over stana irig the popular impression that cannibal mi only the lb I 1 w opt levels of avus ire 9 it lt ai astrue true in columbus Coluin bui time wien ha he wiota to 1 queen l e isabella that the cannibal lanb I 1 aei 1 hilled ailed be the native natives of hayti with ali ill eject terror the woi woid d ca cannibal mba I 1 kiani ties a braya or valiant man ind and Is tie de ailed from the name by ay iy which the Larrib Leei bees called tte resolves A few hundred broiles northwest of lalo lake nyanza on the banks of I 1 he dier welle lives a great rite tribe whose can sm lot lithe the most pronounced of fth tile hatim ibey I 1 hey are the be yontl ittris a red skinned buce li cally fine specimens of manhood lacesa and rid far superior to tile hack hock tribes around them in ailts lilts and peace I 1 they bey inhabit a beautiful fertile country 91 atre for forna r S alternate jib tolling down they edgare in and human fifth though A frequent fr 1 not a regular article of to food adv except es pt among tile fa fam lie forth who cited liv ad among them for fer bey eral month pys they ire are not tot tilie like very nia many A african tribe tribes childish child irh in ch and ti ia axt proem ot of t to but ut alt ilin they understand rea Inest ions in aad rive give reasonable aust pro ibe be of their tottery fot tery decorated with orna ornamental figures that are now in the museum cf berlin are nid said to equal be to best ex ti anaple of Egypt iati art I 1 ahey bar are in aenious wood ar vr and end tl a greatest irea acne builders in aftic on ono roofed building boil dinn described by built of timber wan was feet 10 loep 6 CO feet wide and 50 feet bieh high aci ana ald an audience andi ence of 1000 persona 1 it is M of f cannibal cann ital tribes to conceal heir practices pracH rea ai as much ar at to possible pot sible from tl it not riot addid to 0 o them neither schweinfurth junker tor baa has aeu en hie the on many occasions preparing or hainan hila an fiech during hi his maltbi ol 01 residence re amana among them on jua two occasions saw aw women ol 01 the inbe tribe prepa pre riBs human flesh tor for con hats ali n 1 a as they were boiling sund i jr arms and left legs but kil his presence pre ence waa woo unexpected und aud un in welcome and be was as invited to toco go else where in in conversation bo baeier eier the tile made trade DO no ecret secret of itria lb ar practices of which indeed there were acre abundant evidence in the beadi of ol 01 carefully puked picked duwan bones that were scattered about in all their settlements their victims are the prisoners the they take in the uan ars ibey they gre almost in bagina with one or another of lie ile tribes rl at oot oat tl em the canni count bal be furla is i un ly leany any in the world jut with all th that a to the are ate a noble race D tit t 1 men u e n who a certain nati nadon orial p andr r i d e and are with intellect and cm toast ju dment tuch such at few africans can an boast P |