Show A lawyor gives as a r rea ea ton son for oot not irbing to durw this in sum mar I 1 na that a rich client lia just died aej he to 11 afraid the ibe heirs will get tie tl e pro pert Us W 11 smith who was banca in pinafore Pina fora ai as sir joseph par por terii is again A member of the Us cabinet this is 13 in instance rid teal emlea teotil if ty thero li is in this vali vals of learsy lean tweeter leefor than thin praise to a man or too to a woman it iiii is tc te RO go to the iran ill without paying aa as any pi punter baters boy will tell toll you A kind of grain baa las appeared t in hansu a cross between birley all aal I 1 oats oat the people are wondering whether it will brew french broady or amerl cao calf ginger ale amt it ii Is ona one thing thina that a abingd in the politics of 9 national Niti onil tion certainly dies ales it males mik s lh the editorial remark remarks ot ol a publisher boiling hot ling a paa offida mighty thoughtful to ll 11 0 uey rey dr will vill of ban san ilance co what tha the apaches need ii Is ft a gospel that mil ill ot et tell kell out of ills ladling lodi aos and find not iet get a it gospel that will get the indians out olit of hell bell ar a recent ocial social gathering gat bering an oah oh kosh woman demonstrated chrit cho she could lold laid her breath two minutes 1 within three das afterward she be got Bine mine cen proposals of marriage and an offer atom a dime museum tac plan for dividing the he spoilt sue suir destea bj i a chicago oct C ng ressman ought sotto not to b beado aaa plea amen oiin on office seeker does tit oar care to 6 obliged to learn a foreign line or acquire a luciia to conceal abu pla e of bai its birth in order to get a poll FIVE fiva young men in philadelphia amused on sunday by wa their horses at a lemonade stand I 1 aby boy wen were arrested arres bed on a barge charge of cru alty to animals at look a amcoats ai coats tb abs tbs horses were all doing as well ai as might be b expected tut tait sparil a 0 which ia Is opposed supposed to obtain so to firmly in ill karo euro palk institution ti has yield ed to the popular demand for the edu eats cation of women to inch such 1 degree that they are now admitted to many of tha the leadbon of enma germany franca france and belgium A bestian judge has his decided that ft it li is the duty daty ofa ora husband to let hia his wife know where ho he spends his evenings when away from home tha the judge lacka lacks and judgment is ifs if a wife knew know where her husband hil his evenings when away arm home the boata be more than ever tax new now postal card will be a dell cata cate pink it is mid slid that general villa seriously of b am IV ing the mail bags in rold with four inch such dada of bird i a east egg and a lathe daisy dilsy in each corner and art go hand in band hind clear through the whole mil ervice service Su EniDis has invented a new d tah a young pig a tail fried in t oil seasoned teai vi tb th cayenne and aud bummed ath grated clen taueu abe den ml i of the pig till tail to the purposes pai poses of the epicure braves praves that even tc JC so famous a wili military tary hero as be he peace hate her victories no to lebi le re sio ahan vei r tha the anth of vicor huge hugo waith was wag nauseating eno enough during lit ki lite lit has boolen out in a inore to N borri va luerie aa is s she the two glorious names corn com mence ob I 1 victor lite like virgil and hoca hugo lie homer M X de do pan ayi pays when ile the nant pant touchy baij mother girill lis strength re and h he was ready fur for the adral AL the giant hugo lingo when he treads read the bray brav eni bid his true bo ho ne re become bec otiles and invincible one of the edito editor mf la 4 briw IVi vialor clor 11 logo ago is for fraba fra cc what hat aa x for italy iha the ileith of dogo is i a universal uni erl it will produce a ceiaa tion between peoples and D oc canion a halt in it ty ly it Ernest Renan deidre dei lre tint thit bt lie t lilt is like kogod a rod s abo ho ai as al a the laitio timi priest it TUB thu akans in li ni as that at lit ill fie out rz arim atas ut fou thedas jho casti case of other great meno men it wa was neither touched br or 41 |