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Show Harold's Mother A Knew Answer "leg, !r, I am w to'nly proud of my little boy,- says Mrs. M. Bmlth, 421 To-peka To-peka Ave.. Topeka, Kansas. "lie's five and weighs fifty .geT. en pounds. lie's the picture of 1, I- M picture of health eg yon can see, and I feel ke he'll " way, be that v., as long as I can got C.d.forna Fig Syrup, r lave , . t .',,m eTor 8lnce he a year 1 k"w wht to give him for his cause Mother used California Fig Fyrup with nil of us as chlldl.en have used It freely wlth m IuIckT- 0lWn" flXeS W,n "P- In many homes, like this, the third and fourth generations are using pure, wholesome California Fig Svrun because It has never failed to do what 3 expected of It. Nothing so quick, ly and thoroughly purges a child's r-ystera of the souring waste which keeps h m cross, feverish, lieadnchv, bilious, half-sick, with coated tongue bad breath and no appetite or energy as long as it Is allowed to remain in the little stomach and bowels. Fig Syrup gives tone and strength to these organs so they continue to act os Na-Jure Na-Jure Intends them to do, and helps build tip and strengthen weak, pale and onderwelght children. Over four million bottles used a year shows its popularity. The genuine, endorsed by physicians for 50 years, always bears the word "California." |