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Show What Will When yoar Children Cry for It There Is hardly a household tha hasn't heard of Castorla I At least Ova. million homes are never without it It there are children In your family, there's almost dully need of Its com fort And any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle In the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhea checked. A vegetable product; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castorla Is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giving to Infanta. Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castorla I Bemembcr the name, and remember to buy It It may spare you a sleep, less, anxious night It Is always ready, always safe to use ; In emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day or night that Baby becomes fretful, fret-ful, or restless. Castorla was ' never I more populnr with mothers than It la today. Every druggist nas it. , , ( Will Cold Worry YouThh Winter? Some men throw-off a cold within a few hours of contracting It , Anyone can do It with the aid of a simple compound com-pound which comes In tablet form, and is no trouble to take or to always have about you. Don't "dope" yourself your-self when you catch cold; nse Tape's Cold Compound. Men and women everywhere rely on this amazing little tablet Adv. - ' ASbtir Stomach In the same time It takes a dose ol soda to bring a little temporary relief of gas and sour stomach, Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidity completely complete-ly checked, and the digestive organs nit trnnqulllzed. Once you have tried this form of relief you will cease to worry about your diet and experience a new freedom in eating. This pleasant preparation Is Just as good for children, too. Use It whenever when-ever coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physicians Physi-cians will tell you that every spoonful spoon-ful of Phillips Milk of Mngneeia neutralizes neu-tralizes many times Its volume In add. rt the genuine, the name Phillips Is Important Imitations do not act tba same I - .. - ,.- PHIUIPS & Milk . of Magnesia QdJa KBy . A yhumt. ayv C riu iS and 60c sHrs. And , JL tmnultr. bm PISO-S Tlmt mtU f |