Show THE DANCE the grand ball which was tisch in last weeks issue came off on alie ap pointed evening monda july 25 in union hall dundei the auspices of mr P is and ml chas shields and proved to be a giand sue cess both in the attendance and finin cialli there were fifty 01 sixty couples present who kept the ball rolling until the small hours to put a finishing touch on their effort thea procured the efficient services of prof Vei hoto e his fine dince for the pleasure sure of who w to attend mr froiseth and mi williams assisted the in the sweet shams besides these there were several gentlemen who entering into the spat of this social occasion proffered prof fired then assistance in the tion of the music which rna added to alie of tho dancers mi Cio seivel as prompt ci and creditably acquitted tho dougherity Doug heity and richard eiseman as floal ni position they filled to Dancin sr at 9 30 ind ceased at 4 thus banging bunging to a close all too soon one of the most successful and thoroughly dances abit has ever taken in 1 he ank perfect order and great sociability prevailed throughout the entire evening and at alie close all left toi their separate homes laut tired enough to make ahem the ladies dream ot being guided through abo inay waa by some young gallant of whom chev liy and dreamed until lulled into ful un consciousness it was an be le by those who vide enough to bo in attendance and we congratulate the gentlemen on the success of thea ball sincerely hoping it will not he very long before we acain have the pleasure of attending another such dance gotten up by the same gentlemen |