Show ejot 8 made FOREIGN to dussias Rus sias german students indulge in ancl for led Ilc canso of their plots NEW YORK july 27 the henlis st special pays arrests still continue tue german government quito informed tho government that another plot to basis enato tho empower wis known to boon foot among of his household and kusia ku sia that grimany had c vainly 1 1 given a similar w miner jait alforo the in the winter palice tho emperor will pasa the antei 27 A letter slates thit many have been a nested and expelled from bt petar alir on of the discovery of plot against the the nihilist alio betrayed it has been in the suburbs and thero has been eix aneses in consequence BERLIN july A duel was fought esterday este iday a student and army reserved reser pistols were the weapon u cd as billed chis the fifth affer of a minilie gerany within a lort |