Show f t all around tho crice lie ported on the drift from the walker A buck aya new rn into the ulimae tan nel the arst of the week the work is done on the general garneld in elk horn district and the property ib looking very v oil J L gunderson Gund ereon is doti assessment aseS workout the lizzie claim juht below the home ake ho has run a tunnel in forty feet r 12 f the rebellion hai deverr available pance about the mine filled with ore and work iia been discontinued for llie presents P hyt has fur man at work in the colorado driving ahead to tap the vein on abo walker claim lies north of the colorado at the 8 P hoyt has built fenew boarding houe convenient to ahe present workings and is drifting on the rein the idanel is now ih nearly feet at the hawkeye the work of clearing ut the station is still being pushed dorward the water is well in band and consequently great progress is being made J G james is working force of men in tb aim tunnel of the home tak mine his is to con amu this tunnel until it tap the shift he will fain 00 feet in depth col woolworth of david street of bt joseph mo ind J li street and A kilfoyle of adik city hate let a contract for work on the huron aileon scott hill big botton wood 1 I hey have larye damp of low grade galena ore X at the ontario rork on tho new n going along 1 he new shaft has now reached a depth of fet sinking with the aid of thu windlass will soon be discontinued and chrt work will then be earned on antil the lare machinery is in position by the aid of the pump hoist elipe in the second shall tue at the has been run OB for a distance of feet all the way in ore at the little delay in cutting the vein has been experienced perien ced because of soft ground beina encountered i now passed and the tein will undoubtedly be cat the first ef the coming week v f A teia two feet thick bas been in the shaft on the black bear property at a detthof itty feet some of ue 0 look very well considerable water has been encountered and work has been postponed until a pump i put in and aha company geta coal on jasd for fuel thay hate s upright boiler and engine alread at their work with steam capacity sufficient to run a pump and continue sinking deot everything will be in readiness to re sunie operations soon after New years when their foice be increased and work of sh rapidly y at the ltd t men divided into ahr worked drifting of tunnel on claim and is now in ica feet some very bood found and the mine on this in both walls the wall bein q wall porphyry if of anter coliny r tunnel mr very near being buia since b the rock caving was down hy the batera largel boulder caught him b the ley and held hire last until the men cailo 1 bis aid he park Milli riff co of council aluf low haap is se work on the following claims ansar the head ot thane s cannon jupiter Ju biter broadwin Broa dwi gendral dodge keokuk ottumwa wi n K D malachite Mali chite montana bel chont and queen of the hills also on Illo the Tahoe north of and adjoining adio ining park ciar and hive let conti acts for assess ment work on taft council bluff s abi capro detroit and located north eatoe the maxand Clr rebellion mines on the hill about a quarter a ale distant P M M cot claim ne arthe bead of canyon spread out in a fan shape from southeast to west from one bird to one mile from the walker A buckeye pinyon climax rebellion and blaik bear ind of the djalali mm cintr company their properties are well located and prospects look well and they intend soon to push developments vigorously X |