Show E P arr is in salt lake major gorlinski caneup from salt lake on monday fred haytham ganeto salt lake to the holidays john a few days in salt fief of the week E 0 matthews of the utah corn paid the park visit una week frank hoffman of tho salt lake bar wa in the park for a fen days thia mra col ferry wilh ys child aad nurse left for michigan on tuesday hanla chaos la billed for park city at 8 31 sanday bornio mor nio and the children thou d look sharp for him geo A black came up from salt lake on monday on business and returned to the city ou tuesday mr 0 P mils of the firm of young JL miles hai from aalt lale and bakon charbo of tho stoie stanford newel of st paul mind president of the hawkeye corn eany it spending few daya at the mr Sahl keld builder of the new ontario hoisting worl cama boim from datto on where he is up a mill for the lexington co emerson coic ap from salt lako to day part in the installation elect ho 7 A F A M which comes off to night R J johnson and shuh ehenger left this mornine for the head of the weber where they have a contract to cut ties for the E k P C R R ibey took force of choppers with them |