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Show - " " Who's where at Park City nightspots by Marion Cooney Another quiet weekend lies ahead for Park City. But things should start to pick up next week. Rumor has it Joe E. Boots & the Heels may even make an appearance in town, but we'll fill you in on that later. For now, this is what's up: Grub Steak The Grub Steak is proud to present, once again, the Stoddard Brothers. They've developed a reputation for being excellent, versatile musicians, playing everything from guitar to flute to keyboards. Their specialities are soft country and mellow sounds. You can hear them Thursday through Saturday nights during dinner. din-ner. Cowboy Bar The Cowboy Bar will be hosting the Bob Snow Band from Salt Lake City. They'll be playing rock 'n roll oldies Thursday through Saturday. The cover charge will be $3. Alamo The Alamo does not expect to be having live entertainment entertain-ment this weekend, but you never know who will feel like getting up on stage and carrying on, so check in and see if anything's happening. Stein's Lodge Stein Eriksen Lodge's dinnertime din-nertime musician is Gabrielle Stubbs, a local pianist. Down Under The Claimjumper's Down Under Club is still featuring Kat James performing her guitar-accompanied folk tunes. Adolph's Dinner at Adolph's will be enhanced by Bob Weisen-feld's Weisen-feld's classical guitar-playing. guitar-playing. If some of the vacationing clubs open up as scheduled this month, there should be more to choose from in nighttime entertainment. Keep your feet dry and hang on. |