Show t r I f Ir i Ir I jr i ir r r. r 0 f rAny r- r 1 Any PC Students Truly Lacking Funds Will Share School Lunch hunch As part of its regular school food service program the Park City School District provides meals at a reduced price or free freeto freeto freeto to students unable to pay the full price according to Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Super Super- Dennis E. E Nelson To Tomake Tomake Tomake make sure families understand the program Mr Nelson furnished furnished furnished furn furn- the following income scale for families to determine which children are eligible to receive reduced price or free meals The National School Lunch Act as of July 1 1970 the in income income income in- in come poverty guidelines are Family Size Income One 1920 Two 2520 Three Four Four Five Six Seven Eight Each additional family member The income poverty guidelines guidelines guidelines guide guide- lines are based on the latest statistics as of July 1 1970 on poverty levels reported by the Census Bureaus Bureau's Current Population Reports in 48 states and Washington DC D.C. Income means income before be before before be- be fore deductions for income taxes employees' employees social security security security sec sec- t axes axe s insurance premiums premiums premiums prem prem- bonds etc It includes the following 1 monetary compensation for services including in including including in- in wages salary commissions commissions commissions commis commis- or fees 2 net income from self employment 3 net income from farm self employment 4 social security 5 dividends or interest on savings savings savings sav sav- ings or bonds income from fromes- fromes es estates estates es- es tates or trusts or net rental income 6 public assistance or welfare payments 7 un unemployment unemployment unemployment un- un employment compensation 8 Government civilian employee or military retirement or pensions pensions pensions pen pen- or veterans veteran's payments 9 private pensions or an annuities annuities annuities an- an 10 alimony or child support payments 11 regular contributions from persons not living in the household 12 not royalties and 13 other cash income The Park City School District 1 1 A will make every effort to insure that children do not know who is paying and who is receiving a afree afree afree free meal Parents who feel their children children children chil chil- dren are eligible may apply Application forms are available in the Superintendents Superintendent's office located at Main Street Park City or in the principals principal's of office office office of- of fice at either the elementary or orthe orthe orthe the high school Parents who desire to appeal the action on application may do so by contacting contacting contacting con con- the District Board of Education telephone num number r The Districts District's D i s t r i c t s complete policy concerning free and re reduced reduced reduced re- re price lunches may be re reviewed reviewed reviewed re- re viewed at the Superintendents Superintendent's s office or in the principals' principals of of- of f- f flees |