Show F d Engineers and Scientists Study t Impossible Interstate Collapse fj J It alt is most unfortunate when ti any portion of a newly constructed constructed con con- strutted highway goes to pieces within a couple of years following following following follow follow- ing completion is a statement made by K Gunn McKay J Administrative Administrative Administrative Ad Ad- Assistant to Governor Governor Governor Gov Gov- Calvin L L. L Rampton who recently discussed a road problem problem problem lem with officials of the Utah Department of Highways on behalf be behalf behalf be- be half of the Governor The stretch of road referred to by Mr McKay is on Interstate Interstate interstate Inter inter- state Highway 80 N. N between Morgan and Mountain Green in Weber Canyon Director of Highways Henry C. C Helland assured the Governors Governor's Governors Governor's Governors Governor's Gov Gov- office that everything possible will be done to correct the crumbling section of 80 1 that has been used less than three years He told Mr McKay McKay McKay Mc Mc- Kay the Utah State Road Commission Commission Commission Com Com- mission several weeks ago programmed programmed pro pro- for immediate immediate immediate im im- im- im mediate repair work Fife Construction Construction Construction Con Con- Company of Brigham City is presently repairing the 15 mile section of road under special agreement with the Road Commission Maintenance V forces of District One are also assisting in the repair work To further emphasize the desire to get the whole job done of repairing the problem piece of 80 1 in Weber Canyon the Commission programmed an additional at their August August August Aug Aug- meeting at Bountiful for the project Mr Helland informed Mr McKay He also indicated bids would probably be called for on the latest appropriated funds In answer to the often asked t i What s caused the qu question What questions e s o n s breakup Mr Helland stated they didn't have the full answer but assured Mr McKay the Department of Highways was utilizing every resource at its its command to find the answer to toa toa toa a m most 0 s t perplexing materials phenomenon Additional soils and road b building u i 1 din g materials tests are being m made de in inthe the area by engineers and other department department department depart depart- ment technicians Mr McKay a resident of Huntsville Weber County and anda a District One congressional candidate was confronted with the road problem on a recent visit to Morgan and Summit Counties He has been on Governor Governor Governor Gov Gov- Rampton's staff the past two years |