Show 7 Mrs Morton Back from California Mrs Clarice Morton has hag re to turned from Walnut Creek Calif where she spent three w weeks ks at atthe atthe atthe the home of her daughter and family Mr Mrs Vern Wilde Vern underwent surgery at the Herrick Hospital where he was waSa wasn a n patient for n It w week k and Is Js now at lit his home convalescing Mrs Morton attended the graduation grad of her grandson Robin I Wilde from the eighth grade and also attended the Grace Orace Warner piano recital with Kevin and Deb ra Wll Wilde Wildo e on the program Clarice spent an enjoyable eve ping playing with Mary Carman FarrIngton Margaret Boyd Doyd and Norma Wilde Mr and Mrs Vern Wilde and Mrs Morton accompanied Mrs IlIen Ilen Smith former Coalville resident on a to the Rossmoor Leisure World avery a avery avery very exclusive place for tor wealthy people over 52 years of ot age Mrs Is employed at Ross Ross- moor |