Show 1 I Ij j V I J. J a t I k i Xi 1 k t tt 1 tI J f AA t r 1 a aiL r j iL 1 w i f i. i 1 yr 1 p i k 1 j 1 k r Rite Thursday in for Mrs Langford Funeral s services will be held at 2 pm p.m. Th Thursday July 2 at St. St Pauls Paula Episcopal Church Oth East Salt Lake City for for Mrs s.W. s. s W W. P. P Madeline Daisy Cunningham Cunning ham Langford 61 who died sud I denly at her home In in Morgan at t 4 am a.m. of a heart ailment Friends may call at t E 1st I South in Salt Lake City from fro 1 1 to pm p.m. Thursday Burial will wil be in Mt Olivet Cemetery I Mrs rs Langford was born born 15 Oct 15 1902 1902 in n nark Park ark City to t to Christina and John Franklin Cunningham She graduated from the Park City schools was very vary active I in ip social ocial affairs and andas was as an n unusually I popular young woman Through her life Ufe she was loved admired land and respected by all aU who knew her II her herA A talented 1 pianist she played with her own orchestra for many j I dances in Park City yeam ago sand and was an accompanist on I many many occasions I t I She was married to to Wilfred Philip Langford Sept 18 1926 1026 I Mrs Langford was a member r of St. St Lukes Luke's Episcopal Church I In Park City Past Matron of Mountain Moun uri 1St tain Chapter No 2 Eastern Star and a a. member for She WM was a lifelong resident or I Park City until March 1956 when when hen she and her husband moved to Morgan with the transfer of pub of The Park Rec Record rd She never relinquished ls et her love loveI I and loyalty for Park City and she she and Lynx visited their home nome din I j in Park city almost every Sunday i to check up Three years yeara ago She suffered a severe heart atI attack attack at tack and her was slow I She had returned to td t i an almost I normal life when she was stride strick i I Ien en cn In her sleep Survivors include her husband i tone one daughter Mrs Bob Patsy 1 I Swanson Salt Lake City two sons Phillip of Salt Sail Lake City and Robert of Sandy 10 grandsons grand grand- sons and one granddaughter one sister Mrs Bert Bircumshaw of Park City and one brother Rob I ert B. B Cunningham Salt Lake Th The Park Record staff and andI a avery a avery very wide circle of friends in Park I City extend sympathy to Mr I Langford and his family He is II I plant superintendent of this news paper |