Show r rj Builders n Hold ld Program CITY CrrY- Parents dem demonstration nett was wa at held heldI I at t fK IV V V City Ward for lor some same samel l wui CD cot ent and the Home Build Build- or er 1 The Ilio program was hg as follows Prayer song long prayer Ginger Bowden Bow Bow- den oden greeting Eliza B. B Lake Carnoto announcer Kathy w Wai Wal Waltin t. t tin opening song talk now How I ICan Can Cana Bo a ft tathy Wallin arle Brunswick and Connie Con Con- nl nie bie rest Code song girls talk E Elli Elli li n. f. Lake talk Dixie Moore I end and B Betty ty Iou Lou HendrIckson talk Deborah Tree Connie Street CarTIe CarTie Car Car- Tie rte and anti Cherylene Stoker talk Janet Larsen and Connie I Street Firelight announcer Nedra Lareen Laren Lar Lar- een en talk Linda Williams poem Oem Ann Hendrickson talk Elizabeth Ann Larsen Smith Georgene Georgene Geor Geor- gene I Stable Stahle Linda Workman Rose Hose Ann Huhtala and nd Kathy Emmerson Em Em- met eon Articles of ot Faith Diane Diano Peel Pool Seagull announcer Linda Street My Precious Jewels Pamela Pam Pam- eta ela Moore talk Kathleen Larsen talk Patricia Pedersen talk Vickie Vickie Vic Vic- kie Leatham closing song Marjorie Boyle and Darlene k Hewitson were the music tors 0 Prayer Doris Smith i Refreshments were were served by bythe the tte girls gire |