Show COALVILLE Thanksgiving dinner guests at atthe atthe atthe the home of Mabel R. R Larsen I I I were her children Mr I Mrs George Farrell and three children children children child child- ren ren Ogden Mr 4 I Mrs Sherdon and four children of Wan Wanship ship Shirley Ellingwood I of Salt Sart Lake City Vern R. R Larsen Larsen Lar Lar- sen of Provo a brother Richard RichardE E E. Redden and wife Ina ma and two daughters of 8 Re u 1 Take rake a a. sister NIta R. R Hampshire and son of Castle Dale and a sister Irena Redden Coalville Mrs Hampshire Hemp Hamp shire and Vern Larsen remained I Hamp I I to visit until Sunday Captain and Mrs Wayne S. S I Bullock of Colorado Springs Colo Coto with their five children James Lynda Kirby and Tami spent thE Thanksgiving holiday In Coalville with his parents parents par par- Mr I Mrs E. E Gerald BulI Bui Bui- I hock lock They also visited the Taut Taul I family of ot Roy parents patents of Mrs Bullock Bulock the former Alene I Greer Capt Bullock Is stationed station station- ed at t Colorado Springs w with the USAF Mr tt Mrs Mark Matley spent the holiday week end In Denver Colo Coto as guests at the home of their daughter Mr Mrs Kent Joyce Wood Dean Brooks of ot Carlin Nev spent the week end with members members mem mem- bers hers of ot his family including his r brother Gene Oene In the V Veterans Hospital I Mr Ir I Mrs LaVar Judd of Coalville Coal Coal- ville vole entertained at games and I refreshments In their home following following fol fol- fol- fol lowing towing the Thanksgiving Dance Present were Mr Mrs Harold Hobson Mr tt I Mrs Melvin Brown Mr Mrs Gary Oary Judd Mr Mrs Clinton Mr ti Mrs Larry Y Garrett and two children visited last I week with his aunt Mrs Wanda Y Spriggs and family They recently re reo I returned from duty In Japan Japan Japan Ja Ja- Ja- Ja pan and Mr Garrett has had h been re assigned to a n base in Ohio Mr Mrs L. L Garrett of ot Ely roy NeV Ne were week-end week guests atthe atthe at nt the home of ot Mrs Wanda Spriggs Thanksgiving dinner guests atthe at atthe atthe the home of Mr Mrs Mra Lawrence Morton were Mrs Fay Jensen and children Carol and DonnIe of Ogden Ogden Og Og- Og den Mr Mra Mrs Jim Robinson and eon Jimmy of Kamas Kama Mr Mrs Ron Robinson and family and Mr Mrs Don Wright and daughters Sherrie Serrie and Cindy Another grand granddaughter granddaughter daughter little Becky Criddle Griddle I r I I the holiday tn to Summit County bounty Hospital where she has hasa been jeen a a patient since Ince being struck by a hit bit and run iuA driver on Hallo Hallo- Halloween v wean Dinner t guests fat at at the LaVell Staley home on Thanksgiving Day included Mr Mrs Mont Staley and family and Mr Mrs Bill Staley and t fatally family of if Evanston Wyo Mr Mrs Mra Kent Staley and baby son Marty Ray of Salt Lake City Dennis Staley and Mrs Mra Beverly Bev Bev- erly orly Kirchman and sons SoDS Terrill and Randy of Ogden and Mr Mrs Owen Staley and family of Coalville Mr Ir Mrs G. G T. T Morby accompanied accompanied accompanied Mr Mrs W Ward rd Moby Morby to California last week for tor a brief holiday hollday During their absence Mr and Mrs 1 Jay Morby and small eon son of ot Ogden have been staying In Coalville to help at the store Mr Mrs Earl Willoughby and children Linette and Michael drove to Phoenix Ariz to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents Mr 8 Mrs Leonard Willoughby Mr 8 Mrs Raymond Louder and children Diane Diano and Jeffrey had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of his parents Mr tt Mrs Irs Boyd Louder in Kamas Joseph H II Wilde Is home again after alter spending ten days with his daughter Mr 11 Mrs Ellis Fox in Rock Springs Wyo He lIe was also ao aoa a guest at the home of ot his IUs son eon Mr It I Mrs Sawley Wilde Wilda and son Eon On Sawley In Green River Wyo The Fo Fox Fat family played hosts at a Thanksgiving dinner at which Jen Jenk Jenkins ns of Ogden and bits Mt Reva nC nail flail and daughters i Haa ta and Susan of Coalville Were guests Aff Mt Wilde JUde and nd Mrs Mra Fx fix x accompanied the latter home Mrs Fox Is remaining in Coal- Coal 1 I rite ile for a few tew Gays bays on business I 1 Mr Art tt I Mrs Wayne Harris and daughter Dixie were dinner guests I Thursday at the home of ot a ad d daughter Mr Mrs Charles in n Ogden Mu hots Irma Wilke and da daugh gh t Rue aue ue and Mary Ann were holiday guests in Park Perk City at the heme of or a daughter Mr it Mrs Bill I I Mr 8 Mrs Mra Woodsy WoodlY Robinson Mr Mr t Mrs Mr Oran Grant Broils and nd I Marvin Robinson all aU ted Thank Thank Thank-gh ng dinner at the home II of Mrs Julie Robinson I Mrs Elizabeth beth has returned returned returned re re- turned 16 to t her home in Coalville I rafter afur spending t t tire trae r e months In Santa Clara and Oak- Oak I f iland tand Calif C. and Reno Rena NeY rev t i She was the guest t Of f her s a iter ster Mrs Mra J I Ularie Marle in Reno on onI I thanksgiving and a U as a 0 pleasant I surprise another sister and nd herI her I husband Mr Air fr ti I Mrs D. D L. L Bishop I I of Taft Ore arrived to make makeI the day complete I I Since her hr arrival home homo Mrs Mrs' I has has received welcome i i home visits vl from Mr St Mrs Mra W. W I JE IE E. E Massey Clearfield Mr I Mrs 1 Robert nObert Mills of bf Roy and Mr I Mrs Frank ter and boys of Morgan I I Holiday guests at the home of Mr MI Mrs 1 R. R V. V were Mr I Mrs D Bob b Cleverley and famEly family fam tam ily Ely Salt Satt Lake and aid Mr tt I Mrs Bill BUI Milliner of Ariz Two little granddaughters Denice and Deanne Deanna Cleverley remained to io spend a a. few days with their I grandparents I 1 S 'S Supt Pt R RS R R. S. S S. Chipman of ot the North Summit School District spent pent Thanksgiving with his hu fam family lam fam- fly ily in American Fork Fork Coach Larry Maxwell l his wife and daughter aughter spent Thanksgiving holiday In Salt SnIt Lake with thel their I I parents Mr s I 4 Mrs O. O T. T o MaxWell Max Max- I Ivell Well vell and Mr tt I Mrs J. J Lowell Fox Assistant Coach and Mrs Raynor Raynor Ray Ray- RaY RaY-I nor Pearce and daughter Kim were Thanksgiving visitors visitor In Beaver at the home of his parents par parents eats Mr tt I Mrs Mis' David Pe Pearce Ralph Wilde son of Mr It I Mrs Owen Wilde departed Saturday morning for Ft Ord Calif where ere Jie e will commence trailing In in inthe the months months foe Army Reserve pro pro- gram The young young man recently returned after wend gt q yearS years as an missionary to Canada I Robert Francis son of ot Mr Mrs Percy Francis Trancis left this morning morn mort lag ing Thursday to enter Ft t. t Douglas to commence two years service In fn In the Army Anny Bob recently recent recent- ly y returned return d home from the Great Lakes k Mission Mission 1 David son of Mr I Mrs Jewl returned last week after fter serving six months In the Army Reserve program received his basic training at Ft Ord then completed his training at Ft Knox Ky t |