Show I Park Personals Family dinners will lit be enjoyed by br the following Park City residents residents resi resl i ident dents dent on the glad rh Thanksgiving Day bay 1 ay All members of the Leslie R. R RI Roach Sr family will spend th the day together In Park City at the home of ot Mr and Mrs Cliff Roach or Park Avenue This tine One family gamily group are looking forward to a happy time 1 Mrs Aire Caleb Cu Ien Mrs Bertha Cullen Mr an and Mrs Bob Cullen and family will be together at the Cullen home bome in Park City i f Mrs Florence Aubrey Mr and Mrs Clyde Hendrickson Mr Jack Hendrickson Mr and Mrs Lavern La La- vern ern Aubrey and children n will enJoy enjoy en en- Joy the day together in Park City at the Aubrey home 1 I Mr and Mrs Richard Bircumshaw Bircumshaw Bircumshaw shaw will entertain at a family dinner at their home on Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanks Thanks- giving Day Dap Mr and Mrs Bert I will be their guests also Mrs Francis Davich Mr and Mrs Ray Burgener will entertain their family members at their home on OD on Park A Avenue venue j J 1 I Mr and Mrs L. L L. L Thompson I will wl l entertain at their home Thanksgiving Day at a II large family tam fam fly ily dinner Their guests will be beall beall beall all the children and grandchildren of this popular couple and a large and happy group will fill flit the the hospitable Thompson hO home boine De Deon I on on this glad day I I I I I I The Emile family will gather at the ranch home In la Snyderville Snyderville I derville for tor the he glad day sons and d daughters and grandchildren will wl Join the happy group We regret to learn that our former townsman Lionel Lefler had the the misfortune to taU tall and break his arm at his liis home in San Pedro Calif recently His many Park C City y friends wish him hima a speedy and complete recovery Mrs M M. M Bausman returned to I her home in Park City after vacationing vacationing vaca vaca- In Martinez Calif and Salt Lake City visiting relatives and friends She will resume her piano teaching and accept piano playing engagements in Salt Lake and Park city Mrs Frieda Consoni will III be hostess to the Claude Gillett family fam tam fly ily of Kearns and Mr Fred Gillett Gil- Gil Gillett OU I lett of Park City for Thanksgiving ing dinner at her home on Park I Avenue I |