Show Biblical Play i at S S. S S 'S Summit SOUTH SUMMIT SUMMIT- I The Wasatch Stake will present present pre pre- pre pre-j sent a three-act three play in the South Summit High School auditorium Nov 25 at pm p.m. There will willbe willbe be no charge T This h his I a three-act three production Them Also 1 X Shall Bring by byRuth byRuth byRuth Ruth and Nathan n Hale is based on Third Nephi from the nook Book of Mormon Director is LuJean Walpole and featured in the cast are arc Bob Boband Boband Boband and Lynnette Clyde Roy and Phillis Kohler Garni Garut Shelton Lowell Johnson Dr 8 Mrs Ronald Ronald Ron Ron- ald aid Mackley Ralph Giles Cites and Jenny Jonny Jen Jon ny Loertscher Narrator will be Clyde Clyd Muir organist Is Virginia Green lights Amber Mahoney assisted by Rodney Rodney Rod Rod- ney fey Mahoney and Don Barker Barkr sound Helen Call scenery Camelle Camelle Ca- Ca melle Miller hand props and posters Joyce Daniels up make-up Kent Larson and Bob Dob Welch NorIta Norita Norita Nor- Nor ita Winterton and ond Virginia Sweat I P prompters ers |