Show Governor Clyde I II I I Visits Young Republicans The Young Republicans of ot Coalville were honored by the appearance of Governor Go George Dewey ewey Clyde at a Republican Rally lally which they sponsored i. i In 11 the he Summit County Court house Kousa I Saturday night As the keynote speaker Gov- Gov ernon Clyde emphasized the accomplishments ac cc- c. of the Stats State of Utah during the past three and andone andone I one half years in n schools better highways developing all Utah's s resources protecting Utah's watter watter watter wat- wat ter rights and keeping Utah In Ina Ina a sound financial position Ills plans are re to further Utah's progression regression In every field pOd poj Bible Ible to make It a better state for or everyone if It re reelected Bob Dob took charge ot of othe the he meeting A medley Of patriotic pa pa- tunes played on the a accordion ac accordion ac- ac by Nadine McQueen stirred the hearts of all aU present Governor Clyde answered many questions Also 0 present were SummIt Summa County Republican candidates for office Dave Loertscher and Archie Pace County Clerk J. J Emerson Staples Informed the group on the dos do's and don't's In voting and how to use the balI ballots bal- bal I lots effectively The president of the Xoung young Republicans of Utah was also present The invocation In ln I vocation was offered by Ernest Chappell I |