Show Annual Bazaar Ba r aar a I Great g Success Success' U Friday Oct 1 7 Feast of the Holy nO Rosary ry of the BVM DVM First I Friday of the month I At GM pm p.m. Confes Confessions ons At pm Mass and the Holy Coin Coin- Communion munion In honor of ot the S Sacred Heart of ot Jesus Litany and Act of ot I Consecration to the Sacred U Heart rt Benediction of or the Most Most Blessed DIeDe Sacrament Saturday Oct 8 Ca Catechism classes from Irom 10 until 12 Confessions Confes lions from 4 till 5 and 7 till 8 I Sunday Oct 9 Eighteenth Sunday after alter Pentecost Mosses Masses I at t 8 and 10 at St. St Marys Mary's and at I 11 1130 30 at Heber City Wednesday Oct 12 At pm p.m. Novena devotion in honor honorof I of or Our Out to 1 Mother her of Perpetual Help Meeting bf St. St Marys Mary's Mens Men's Club will be held Tuesday Oct Oel 11 starting at 8 pm p.m. at St. St Marys Mary's Social halt Hall We cordially Invite all men to attend I St. St Marys Mary's Altar Allar Society will wUl I Conduct Its meeting Wednesday Oct 12 In the rectory following the novena novena devotion All ladles ladies of the parish cordially invited Robert 0 O. James Janies Moya of Marion MarIon Marlon Ma Ma- rIon born bom July 14 1950 at Heber Reber City was baptised at at St. St Marys Mary's on Sept 25 His parents are Mr Ralph Maya Moya and Maria Marla Luisa Marez Marez Marez Ma- Ma rez Moya Moyn parents God were Mr and Mrs Rosa Moya of at Ogden The pastor and all the workers of St. St Marys Mary's wish to extend sIncere sincere sincere sin sIn- cere thanks to every person who helped to make the Fall Bazaar a great success The first prize Winchester hester rifle went to John Jr Park City Second prize a rotisserie oven to Allan Lewis Kamas Third prize pair of binoculars went to Mrs Jerry Sullivan Park City Mrs William William William Wil Wil- liam ONeill O'Neill won a big turkey and Mr Mrs Susie Cullen won a a. big ham The event was a great success I both socially and financially u I |