Show I Ifor Series of Parties I for Miss Bullock Bulloc COALVILLE COALVILLE- I Miss Diane Bullock Dullock has been feted at several showers prior to her wedding to Tim Malan of I Ogden Thursday Sept 29 at the home bome of ot Joanne Katt In Ogden with Miss Marilyn as co- co poetess hostess Miss Bullock was honored honor honor- ed at a personal shower Many lovely gifts girts were presented to the tho 1 bride Those present were Mesdames Betty Detty Updyke Barbara Darbara Salmon Jolene Gellmann Francis Crumpler Grumpier Donna Benzley Denney Car Car- Carolyn Carolyn olyn clyn Morgan Betty Jean Hall lIall Claudia Crawford Asta Malan Malau Luena and Otis Bullock Dullock and the tho Misses Deanna Jones Jonea Anna Ana na Marie Colleen Wilson Wilton the guest of honor and the hostess Saturday MUs Mies Bullock Dullock was further further further fur fur- ther feted at the home of Mrs Judd in la Coalville at a miscellaneous shower Assisting Mrs Judd were Mrs Mildred Saxton Salton Sax Sal ton and Anna Deane Gu Guests t were Mrs Luana Luena Malan Mr Bonnie Malan Malara Mrs loIre Alta Afta Malan la n Mrs In Margaret Mr Mrs Luella Judd Mrs OUt Otis Bullock Bullook Bul Bul- look lock Mud aad od daughter Pam Susie SUlie Old- Old bam Lam He Helen n Leo Lee LaRae Wright Dixie Dile Shaw Elaine Crandall Taylor Yvonne L Lamb mb Charles Chari a Shaw the honored ruNt guest and hoate ho hostesses 8 All MUe Bullock sad ml 04 liar her fiance Tim Malan w. w were wt guests sit t A dinner dialer given liveD by Mr u sd Mrs Mra Arthur Bullock ullock of Salt aik Lee Lake T t event WM wu Lo aJao a 1 away goim-away WaY away Piety party for tw their daughter Char Claar- Charlotte lotte Jett Ue Bullock who rho left leU a is shunt burt 1 Ama later laW for ter Hawaii Also pra pra- Mat awl wit ware Mr WI Mrs PNat Mist Mia Ar Arles Bullock and ad tb the Ui lurks sad and honor besot AM i I |