Show County Agent Advises Residents How To Prepare Lawn v Seed Bed ns for tor Improvement arum Irom the K llamas Kamas mas Valley I Development Develop men ment Association and the Summit County Extension Service Service by J. J Reed Heed Moore County Agent This time e le leJ 14 us consider the thet t tania hat might b be attempted attempt ed this tits tala fah LAWNS In In th i r. r g and Eton ron for tor planting the lawn a 0 good lawn foundation must be I d. d First have good topsoil even if it it It must be haul d in Some Bome sails are extremely I Shallow hallow and soon run into gravel A good topsoil top- top soll soil should be at least four tour to six Inches deep deeper deep deeper than this better better better bet bet- ter still Fill in around the foundation foun fOun- dation of ot the house Then provide proVIde provide pro pro- vide a 0 good slope and grade and hits should be away from the house to provide good draIn drainage There should hould be no dips nor ridges A good thorough saturation saturation saturation tion with water can overcome this When the Uie fill or low place settles raise up the grade grad with more good soil soU If lt you hive he W walks walks the grade should be one or two Inches low low- er The same for tor windows and openings In the Ule house Next Next soak the entire lawn alC area for tor about two feet teet Apply phosphate phosphate phate fertilizer to the topsoil a athe at atthe the rate of ot one half pound of treble or equivalent equivalent le lent t per er square feet teet of lawn surface Rake or spade It ft It must be noted that the topsoil topsoil top- top soil should be loamy If clay exists exists ex ex- some sandy soil solI will help by scattering it over the clay soil and mixing It well Or if It too much sandy soil soU clay can be mixed With the sand M t Most soils can be improved improved-by by mixing in fn organic matter such as peat well-rotted well manure or compost com com- post ost PREPARE THE TIlE SEEDBED Prepare a smooth fine firm seedbed by raking and rolling It Iti i I several times Settle the soil by bya a a. heavy sprinkling then when I nearly dry rake it ft over ag again ln Here Is a good time to use more I fertilizer at atthe the rate of of half pound of treble and a ft ahat half hat pound of ammonium nitrate or three fourths lb lb of ammonium ammonium ammon ammon- ium lum su sulphate phate per square feet of lawn I Sprinkle to o settle When the surface Is dry enough to walk on without the shoes getting muddy It Is time Ume to plant the grass Next week we will consider the seed bulbs and some shrubs for tor this area |