Show i. i NO REAL SURPRISES IN PRIMARY v The preliminaries arc completed and now the real test begins There were no genuine surprises in the primary mary mart vote locally although each voter individually is surprised when his favorite docs does not prove to be the favorite of the majority It will be interesting to note whether Bill DUt Barlocker's rs r's apparently endless funds for advertising will carry him through the General as they did through convention and Primary As firm believers In advertising we cannot pass the opportunity to remind that here is proof that advertising advertising advertis advertis- ing pays There will be bo some discussion concerning the comparative tive the total of Democrats and Republicans with the former former- in formidable strength of split tickets in the General of the poor showing made by Huggins and the belief t tat tat t Hopkin would have defeated everybody if his party had not bet betrayed ayed him Defeat of incumbents will add spice to the forthcoming campaign Representative Lambert is out in Summit a and d Commissioner Thurston is out in Morgan Great interest lies ies in politics in the next two months |