Show I II William Roach 83 I Called by Death PARK CITY CITY- I I William Riley Roach 83 of i Concord Calif died Thursday at 3 pm p.m. In a Walnut Creek California California Calif Calif- ornia hospital after a long Illness He was was' born June 27 1877 at Salt Lake City to William and Francis Mary Riley Roach He married Marie mussen Sept 3 1902 Salt Lake Temple Church of Jesus Christ of ot Latter- Latter day Saints She died April 12 1953 I Mr Roach was a a. retired miner J i and railroad worker I Surviving are daughters Miss j I Stella Holt Mrs Ornal Grace Nielsen Mrs Andrew Thelma I all of Concord two grandchildren grand grand- children c brothers and sister slater 1 Locton Salt Lake City Gerald I Mrs George Erminie Erm nie Garns Gams Los Angeles Calif I Funeral services were conduct conduct- Jed ed Saturday at 2 p pm pm m. m in Concord i Burial Memory Gardens ConI Concord Con- Con I cord 1 I Bill Roach was an employee lot lof I of the Silver Sliver King Coalition Mines Company Company for tor many years as track man and later as watchman at atthe atthe I Ithe the terminal and was one of Park City's best known and highly high I ly respected citizens H He and his wife wite conducted a service s station atlon and store on Highway Highway High High- way a 40 for many years before m moving to California Sincere sympathy of their many Park Ci City y friends is ia extended to i members members' of the family in their loss I |