Show OAKLEY OAKLEY- I Apologies A are are In order oreter this week wE-ek one ODO sent Bent out to Bethel and Jay Harris in regards to a question question ques ques- I tion we pu put in 1 The Tho o Pee Dee we wo are re Orr sorry WA W caused canoed yon ron yon some t in-t In I convenience We hoped it was tl ue Another to Leola Leota Wilde In regards to her phone we are sorry w rY It gave you the wrong Im lin lin Wo We just thought some of ot your friends and neighbors I t would like to know you had bad n 11 phone now how and could give you youa ou out a t buzz Mr r. r and Mrs Horace Richards and aud son Bon of Salt Lake visited Ralph and Naomi Richards dun dur during ing tho the week Well Lynn CLynn Is back In L I. the old work routine again after a appendicitis operation Theres There's a lot Jot of sickness in to town Carla Saxton and daughter Kelly Kelty Rae are sick eick with flu lu Ima Wilde has been sick in bed bedaU bedall bedall all aU week creek I Earl Karl Snyder is In the hospital Lin in Salt Lake T Tests ts are being made but nothing definite has I been decided in regards to his j I Illness i I Eugene Hortin Is also in a Salt I I. I Like Lake ke hospital we understand he he I I has been teen quite ill IU but out is finally beginning to feel be better ter I Seemed good to see Bee Murl Franson Fran- Fran eon son and Pearl Hortin out to church again the they have both been ill Ul A surprise welcome party was given in honor of Chris Stevens at the tho home of or Vernon and ond Ruby Wilde Friday evening The boys and girls his age sophomores gave it for him Games and ani dancing dancing dano ing were enjoyed toy by all aU Refreshments Refreshments Refresh Refresh- ments were served Mrs Wilda W Birch h of lI took h her r mother Mrs Olive Olivo Walker to Salt Lake Saturday Y in h honor nor of her birthday which was was Sunday |