Show Special Forces Hold A. A J iI IV neu IV er Oa on Weber A. A IV IV Morgan and Summit counties were hosts last week to about of Americas America's finest finest- members members of the Special Forces of the Sev Sev- Seventh enty-Seventh from Fort Bragg They parachuted parachuted para para- Into this mountainous country and spent 10 days practicing gue guerilla warfare Every one of these men Is a specialist specialist- demolition n logistics radio medics killing with the knife motors railroads small arms everything in the deadly lighting formerly performed by the Rangers is learned learne th the I hard way by the Special Forces And they tried it out at n night along the Weber River According to their scenario Aggressors had captured America from the Pacific to the Mississippi These Americans were flown in at night to cause the Aggressors as much trouble as possible It might have been a game but these men under Major McDonald of Pennsylvania were deadly serious This particular territory was chosen because because because be be- cause of its actual l strategic value as one ono of four important east west east west routes and because its Iw rugged character gives the men training in an important phase phase- they phase they ey go where mechanized mechanized mechanized me me- troops cannot follow fonow After their i initial parachute drop in which not one man was injured they s slept ept in de deli deep p snow eating field rations until they found from careful espionage which of the natives were loyal and could be trusted |