Show ECHO PERSONALS Death of J J. J Saxton Mrs Harrison Amel Amel- da was notified March 3 of the death of her father Octavious Y- Y W. W Saxton in an Ogden hospital l Funeral services were conducted Monday londay In the Chapel I of Flowers by Bishop Glen I Thomas Entombment was In the I Mausoleum Mr Saxton Saxton Sax Sax- ton was a brakeman for Union Pacific Railroad company and had lived in Echo and Coalville prior to moving to Ogden Mr Mr and Mrs and their Son son Michael attended funeral ser- ser cices Monday Mrs S. S P. P and Mr and Mrs Marlow Jones attended the services for O. O W. W Saxton Monday Birthday Party The Relief Society birthday party was held Tuesday March 8 at the home of Mrs Zelma Lynn The following program w was s given origin of the Relief Society Iris IrIs' Sowell musical number Phoebe Burroughs retold re reo told stories sol Heroines of th the Church Margaret Gunn vocal num number er by members Following the program a baked ham dinner dinner din din- ner net was served to Annie Jones Edna Hales Hates Iris Sowell Phyliss Lois dots Garman Carman Phoebe Burroughs Elva Nowling Margare Margaret Mar Mar- garet gare Gunn and the hostess Zelma Lynn Mrs Delva Belva NOw ling of ot Henefer was a special guest Seen in the cheering section of the H Nor North o r t h Summit Summit- Summit Wasatch Wasatch game In Salt Lake Friday night were r. r Mr and Mrs Belden n Lynn and Diana Mr and Mrs Fr Fred 1 I Mr and Mrs rs Douglas Gunn Cunn and son Craig I I Mrs Emery Jones of ot Hooper spent the past week with her parents Mr and Mrs Rl Accident Victim I Mr and Mrs Vern Gunn spent and law in Mr and Mrs Douglas Gunn They were happy to report their S son n Rod who was injured In tn in an automobile auto I mobile accident Is able l to be around on crutches He lie is a n patient at Fitzsimons hospital in Denver t 14 f Mr and Mrs Gilbert Roberts Roberts Rob Rob- erts and children of RockSprings RockSprings Rock RockSprings Springs Wyo were week end And nd guests of their parents Mr and I Mrs Acel Ace Hales p 1 s I ii ers era a and d. d sisters s. s Other t t resent nt t. t W wen rt Resit ani and kf r f tf m. m m Spokane ne Wash Frank Flunk And and Gwen Gwen- tram from rn Tooele Daloy Da- Da loy by and nd Lo Louise m Bis l Woodland Ralph and arid Inez Z Franson FraMOn ranson Oakley Macula Manilla and Ca Carl Cati l Taylor of ot er Mr and Mrs Parley Brown Thelma C. C Brown Lorrene Lornne Boy Boy- DOYer erand and er and Alt Alf Brown went to Roy noy last Tuesday to a attend tend the funeral fun fun- jeral I ral eral services for tor Elmer BrownI Brown I Who was killed In a plane crash cruh I I Elmer was a cousin of ot Parleys Parley's and Lorrens Lorren's and a nephew of Alta Alfa WATCH FOR OUR EASTER PARADE SATURDAY APRIL 9 MORBY'S ST STORES 8 I News lit bf new arrivals rivals to folks I away from home came from Mr and Mrs Alvin Pace who re received received re re- I word that their daughter Shirlene Mr and Mrs Robert nobert Haycock of San Francisco Calif have a boy their second chUd child Grandma Mae left last Sunday to help out Mr and Mrs Ita Ira Tree of ot Salt Lake have a new girl which makes two Grandparents Grand Grand- Grandparents parents are Mr and Mrs Fay FaT Winters of Linden Lindon and arid Mr and nd Mrs Alva Dearden of t Henefer Mrs Leone McQueen Is visiting In n Reno Reno Nevada for for several weeks with her daughter daught r Ruth and family t r Mrs Viene Dastrup of Altamont Altamont Alta Alta- mont visited several days with her family the Alin Paces |