Show Elisa Marie larie Kilby Weds Californian PARK CITY CITY- Mr and Mrs James iames B B. Kilby announce the marriage of ot their I daughter Ellsa EUsa Marie to Mr Keith O. O I son of ot Mr j jand and Mrs MM F F. F O O. I of ot Red ned Bluff Blutt Calif on Saturday the tenth pt of February at Elko Nev Nev- ada ado I Mr and Mrs James JamN Kilby honored hon hon- I ored orro the newlyweds at bt an open house at the Kilby KUby home in Parleys Parley's Parleys Parley's Parleys Parley's Par Par- leys ley's Park Sunday evening from 7 to 10 pm p.m. Guests from Salt Lake City Murray and Park City enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner served at small tables decorated with white mums and carnations i and sand blue tapers The serving table was centered with an exquisite brides brides bride's cake j I The hosts hoste were assisted in inI I greeting the many guests by Mr and Mrs Keith I who were were the recipients of ot hearty congratulations congratulations congratulations con- con I and well ell wishes for forI I their future happiness The newlyweds newlyweds new new- I received many beautiful gifts gilts for tor the new home they will make in Salt Lake City where they are attending the University of ot Utah |