Show COALVILLE COAL VILLE Mrs Mary E E. Butler has returned returned returned re re- turned to her home in Salt Lake City following a w week k at the home of her daughter Mr Mrs J J. J Emerson Staples and family Week end visitors at the home of Mr Mrs Joseph E. E Wilde I were Leland Wilde of Park City Mr sirs Mrs Elmo Carpenter and Mr 4 Mrs Jesse JeM Wilde and f fam family lam ily all aU of Salt Balt Lake City m-i m Mr II It Mrs Mr Mucus Marcus Trujillo and family of Salt Bolt L Lake ke City spent Sunday Bunday and Monday with his par par parents enu Mr ft MM Joe Trujillo Mr ft Mrs Ura Ward Morby visited In Bait Salt Lake Bunda Sunday and attended attend attend- attended ed td the blessing ceremony of ot their sew flew granddaughter Michelle Ma Ma- Marie Marte rte rie Morby Merby daughter of Mr ft Mra bite Ward Dean Morby Mr ft II Mrs Mra Douglas Toole and little daughter of ot Logan visited with relatives in to Coalville and n Henefer ne r over the week end i I Mrs Mra Janet Boyer foyer and children visited with her mother Mrs bars Roberta Toole Sunday Miss Prances Frances Toole spent the week end with her parents Mr A Mrs Urs Prank Toole Mr Ur ft Mrs Mra Tai Tal Morby entertained enter enter- I at a dinner Sunday with members member of the family present to honor M. M Mrs Morby on her birth day anniversary Quests guests were Mr ft Mra John T. T Morby and children child ren ten of ot Clearfield arid and Mr ft II Mrs Mra Ken ten Johnson of Salt lake City |