Show e notice por for publication 1 X department I of the interior r ui sadid si lond office at salt lake lak city utah taa I 1 f 4 september Septem bei boj t notice la is hereby riven JIa eliat I 1 t thomas pon H d 8 st Klu iball of utah who on onn N q en ember beri ti 1913 niad liadi entry antry sei se raol for lots 2 8 gemi W nwe ney ivr asnef usg sya tt SU sasi 14 section st 31 84 south ianird 2 woof wee salt lake meridian has sled 1 notice tice of I 1 intention 1 io omage lake Proof to establish them the igind nd above 4 described beffre batore caret carel 11 II mo brunt V U S nt at soc utah orr off the esth day I 1 I 1 as 09 be croiger I 1 philetus W Ner berrill rill jesse winn 7 1 1 quince K X kemball all of alai utah gould 13 Blair cly reaster relater ster I 1 j A 1 A 11 1 notice aar publication 1 I 1 I 1 of the interior aldr U 8 slana lana office at suit salt lake iche alt i utah aukust 30 rt notice is licardi lichey riv enthat eliat ay F rry pl N liston bilston of Utah who auary 20 1810 1910 matie made batry fintry I 1 vary serial all no for abe foll following 0 dea alb ed landt beriont Berin nt h ff at the J 1 with the tor of cit Sec tlona 4 5 32 33 apfl Tp 6 M and sa Z S R P JL JI ZA fi 6 FI then c aa 0 zal W IV 1710 chaa tak C ca 2 thelca N 48 yr 11 2 22 gi 0 cas to cor 3 i thence N 48 28 IV atha ZO toisto isto to I 1 C carl 6 r 1 I thence 8 61 58 W i 38 clis chi to ctr ci 5 thence N X 48 25 W imd aw achs cba to icer cor 0 ih thence ce S 33 sol 30 W V casto cha to ca cr r 77 7 thence N MAO 10 35 W 1218 1210 cha to ti cor car 8 alien thence e nj 23 ar 33 E H lao 1100 l ao cho cha to car caries 01 tl alcer thence S 16 37 E U cha to C cor r 1 te place W of in section 32 Vs una T task 31 ll 11 1 1 E B and 5 utis T sa 8 K X S si I 1 lne M containing an brea area of f pc taa an shown chown I 1 by II 11 E survey no ai 69 lidia ha a felled notice of intention I 1 10 uve il v e aca yeat proof to f establish sta blish clau to tiie land before oki carl II if mati Mane utU S uenh on the day of af october 1017 1917 y irl t claimant as aa atessis john R and 1 I 1 john Mcl nelli of escalante utah john W young f perry perrye yX t r of 11 ataw goulda blakely i res register later 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 not kotc k e for publication 1 1 department of the interior t 1 i I 1 U 5 land wace at sat salt lake city utah minrust rusi 29 17 notice Is fio reby L alven iven riven flaudy claudy cm r ropic utah wh sih ail january 3 1911 naido Itom homestead estead antty antt serial no for N NEK wa ski NE section 4 s SW swa aw awu 14 section 3 to town v ship 97 47 south range kanse 3 vest West salt Sali lake 1 alce meridian has difed fifed notice of intention to make five year proof to 6 establish claim to the land above described before carl 11 II manaem U 8 on er at utah on alio ac ath day of octa october er 1917 t claimant asIt as witnesses nesses 4 dose joseph ph L I 1 seiw stwart art ivill latu pall ock lf wiiliam WIil lam adair 1 maurice aurlie cope pi ills of utah I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 f G lda 1 1 I 1 yf it 1 Re register I 1 I 1 J I 1 I 1 11 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 11 I 1 I 1 applications Application sTor for crazing graz zing I 1 I 1 notice Is ha fareby rey alvan that ions ons for grazing on the sevier sever forest from all pew e w beginners e for the I 1 I 1 s reason e ason of 1918 must be on rile me 44 aa my of at Pan gultch c utah on or bhore october 15 1917 this n indans eans ned new be bc I 1 ginnery orly only regu regular I 1 ar siu bd ba kIv given enriot 10 to filet file their h air graal brazing j application sat 0 a latter a date J NV humphrey forest I 1 supervisor i 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I A f f i bot notice k for fo rab publication lic alfon 11 I 1 f department of tile the interior U S land at salt lake city utah I 1 1 A j august 0 O 1917 I 1 Is hereby biot kuinca jan pi of annab mall alio on an march M 1010 made entry serial no lot fat arvi sec 24 22 and on july hinde additional entry serial xo oioi 4 1 lox for swi swi g fa sec 15 awu NW NC M sec 1 l nax xava sec 23 T 48 42 S A 5 1 W saif lake merl bred dlan dian haa filed otice notice of intention to mak olive year to establish claim tp ia afie th theand jaud cand aboa before the clerk of court at kaput utah on day of october 1017 L bionica la witnessed witness ew joel 11 Johl Hon on IL I 1 3 bolth bonno 1 A Ad cl anis allot allo johnson utai Richi richard aid 8 s of or kan gould 11 di banky 11 II I 1 W 4 1 j dep of the interior ai i U SI d ot Salt LakA aph i i august oth 1917 notice jf la Is lic hereby reby gi agven Viti that oktor list 0 el escalente utah who on ad r VIVA 7 made homestead entry no for or S an nea SE 41 sil beci 4 and andon july 17 lou 1914 ado entry Ser berlt lt for NW NF sec 0 township lp re 8 south range I 1 eda eat sale salt lake merlan Merl cn has felled notice of intention to three year proof to establish claim laud land neove de dean eilben bed before carl 11 II t nt at wit itske on the lat day of Noven Novem ibor WF 1917 claimant names us as K R allston H HLl liston ston 1 jaus blaycock chapla chr ila J I 1 j a ed thompson till ill of escalante utah 1 I 1 gould Sj Blakely j I 1 I 1 Reir late r 1 i I 1 1 11 I 1 notice for publio publication 9 i tion I 1 daf department of the interior U S land at salt lake clavo utah 1917 1 notice Is hereby given IT adan adana ii 0 of f kunta stob who d on april ar 1 1 Z 2 am initia made anad 0 entry serial r i 1 xa N no I 1 for ay SR sj eli 1 W 4 NW section sl 43 V pot h ranee 8 5 west salt tale lace 1 has lied notice of bf to ta jave stat proof to clahan to art tle land hefft the jr clernt iorli of odilie aie district court t nt at kab utah on oil thac etli day of october 1017 A claimant emiles ka B I 1 witness witnessed eq ayli john 0 adams I 1 Ilow aril B young toung A eirls f joseph ilon bione dy yr all of xnia ann b U utah tali gould goulda Goul dt R Bla BIR hely kely 11 1 noil otlee C e fo for r publication I 1 I 1 depart department chient of the interior au 23 25 1917 1017 U 8 land domce nt at salt efte e city utah notice Is hereby alve james justet of hatch utah who on may 1 1811 1011 n made la d E Honic stend batty serial nu NO for E B 14 SE NW nim 1 section 21 SO lindse 6 west salt MN hied baled notice 0 of intention tomake 0 o biake proof to JO establish caal clautu to the dafid olve cescil desert bed cherkof Clerk of the district court at a t utah on the atti ath day of df october 1817 1 Cl claimant almanE na in aa hs as ses L I 1 Jos joshiua hiti B 9 dutto button ix I 1 a P r As 1 k I 1 janies james 11 13 burrol barroud Barr Burro oMd 2 rill rh 1 of tah ul gould 11 1111 liely rc 1 rec latar tl 14 fv li 1 notice for publication deportment department of ahe Inter interior lor U S land office tit nt salt lohe lake city utah i 1 august Aus ruit 6 1017 notice la Is hereby bilven that john J bottelin Bot Bott clun a of los LOB armlet california alio on grigry serial no for 4 section 21 W section 28 town still 87 South ranee filed notice of I 1 year proof to establish ai alati hotl to band above described before becom i the th cerk Cl erkA K f the district court nt at para iii I 1 utah vlaha an the day of september catnes as joseph alley albert D devla 1 charl charls parker jr aitu all of Ra Kan narra arraf utah I 1 I 1 I 1 1 4 tl fy 1 re alstor alst cr I 1 I 1 1111 9 0 f I 1 H noti ifor publication i i I 1 I 1 depart irien t of the he interior U 6 land office aisnlie lake aty aukrust fl 1017 nelce is hereby alven a that jennie W X reynolds of Boe utah uta ahoon november made desset 4 la land nd i entry batry Serl alANo no for E Z NN N section seria 11 to township N A south rance a 2 west meridian kufs 1 filed notice bf 0 anfe alnie to malia flani proof to twice to the land b before fore bax cart M Nany tia va U j loner at moe utah on the alth day aay af of september 1017 claimant as jiin esie st 1 da david vid TV W S mapcum 11 I 1 robert kobert I 1 I 1 ida M X I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 L if I 1 johnt john W Rey reynolda holds ma I 1 VI A i f I 1 I 1 s boum B 11 ae a taj 0 1 1 r 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 f notice for publication I 1 ottlie of the interior lut eilor U 8 15 larid land office at salt lake inko I city utah august i 1017 noil C tais hereby div n that david A Lo thoreau 3 jr of atall who vito on november no 18 loll 1011 diode damert limtt entry no SE NU 14 section a nive aw section 23 township auth south adnee 8 5 west salt lake meridian pled of intentions to ciak flnoy au at 0 march to claim to the land ft abiva described before ao tho clerk of tile hc district purt at utah uta ll 11 0 on tho 1501 li wot toy of september 1917 1 1 I 1 elal ian t names ns as I 1 david I 1 james li ri johnann John t I 1 georgre H allson 11 soil sell wilson all of uhichi gould 13 blakely I 1 I 1 I 1 bemister He mister I 1 J i I 1 h fp 1 N 0 ako tko For publication ti on I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 department of tho the interior lu if i S ilund office nt at salt SaIt Lahe aty aty utah 1917 i i Anaus J i t Not cela la hereby lier eliy rebecca II 11 bilson Ri lson of utah w of je aple 8 wilson who donjune on june 71 ond wt made 0 eglo r ian nl 11 ll and ana entries serial seal nos and ely for the fol lowlett described adt r 1 nt at capi coliet er 1 I on line T 30 p ke IRS 4 bod S W from tho the corner of sect iosel ond and I 1 as exl p 5 ft L DI bearE 03 0 0 17 IV 23 ch clia s t thanen h ea en e N 00 IS 14 saw 4 vach alifi to 2 G GO 38 E cab c to borner 3 01 thence south afi H clis clie to cartey 4 1 thence N X W CA 88 38 W 11 go 1 S io apo net ner 5 51 8 31 I 1 dw W 10 81 cha vr to corner comer 11 thence ea acha clis to corner 71 7 bhend thence Y aduth to corner p thence ails achs 0 0 corner 0 i thence N 0 23 25 UJ E it 30 clis lo 10 cornar 10 th e e 14 1110 1 a lit 2 70 clis W corner ll 11 thence r east at 2092 1 ais to cottier U thence N 18 clis to con N aw W 22 iv 2165 ch to corner Cor thence N 34 W 19 1980 80 achs to corner li 11 the he place of beginning in Sec tlona 7 imd 18 survey ed T 80 S R VA 4 wi W 8 rpm N conta tnt aliz 83 aares acrea as shown abow by p H C survey no 80 60 has been filed noe molvee of intention to make five year proof iff establish clain to the land above before tiie the cleak cleak of athe the district court ft t utah on the adny of september 1 A natlea as sest davi d I 1 n wr george georee it II iasoni f r 1 1 albert W yorton tarton r james 11 johnson Jolius oa nil all 0 4 Pan gultch utah I 1 gould B blakely I 1 Ka elster 1 N I 1 A 4 notice for vp bli cation department ofa of abe be U S SI Lan aud office doffice at pat lake utah 1917 1 notice la 16 hereby riven 1 that howard bf utah ft hoon on july 15 made bunfry xo so 2 1 for sa S va 4 t I 1 a n 6 I 1 S I 1 E ja A E va W ia section 0 af 41 south 1 kane nab 7 west sail L iak alz Merl dlan aos aaa filed me of intention toni uhe year vear roooto Pro oto establish alnina to the and land above db da cribei before alae CIE carrk of t the lie d the district cou court at kaneb utah on MO wh clay of 1117 claimant as aai with witnesses esses I 1 award lambo lamb eglin J ain david asplin robert A covill ton all of utah I 1 1 L gould B nicely ir 1 1 keester Ke fegl elter ero I 1 1 N 1 f notice fot rp t publication Puli cation neof the I 1 11 aare U S I 1 land at salt LakeCIA luka city I ut cutah all 1 I 1 augusa notice that homer W I 1 esplen of utah i wh an peb acl auary 10 16 1914 aw jade inde apo entry se serial rial no h r E ra 4 4 V 44 NE N I 1 X NE sva fl township 39 9 south range kange 8 west offu juko berd fan has filed aled of to walte U alip three benr y proof to to theland tk ikid abobo avo described the clerk of the I 1 patriot 0 court n ni aira utah ol 01 orthe tho etli T 1 dov day of fie tAUber 1017 claimant nuno cs joserh sin ith k utah J t diett arf utah david dald ironton of utah of orders alle utah n blakely Blak cly register I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 notice vo to water caera asere I 1 1 state office salt lake ay iy utah abis 2 1017 notice Js Is hereby riven that liston whose i post office addre tw Is IB I 1 0 utah uta lichas has made in with the qa Q the compiled laws of itoh 1007 na as a by tIO session laws of atoe 1 wl end MIS 1015 to appropriate two 2 cuirca ear fact of water rc second froni from vine alcove pr bullfrog C beek eek garfield county cot utah I 1 I 1 sald v anter anter will be at ai a point I 1 tn vl 11 itJi henry SG south uth 41 decreed rree a west aest est itom a aroha sj atit it in ina a sand judg 04 I 1 arlt situated south V etan td y aae ivoa conveyed jaked by rn means lanb eg d aau jai A 1010 daloli Aute e eket bet ani tta tt 5 diio 1 to no a if yer ao akoma ylo Sect ton 88 joaq kans Rani B plo 10 east salt bako ale ibaan 1 I i djan dan 1 1 to Is A ted i ili it the lie I 1 state office its aa no all arb protests tests alza lust tha 0 said von stating ahe ther eror must rabat be e c made by affidavit lu duplicate accompanied by afee a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days daa after the completion of the publication of I 1 this I 1 nat notice cell 4 1 1 I GT aale I 1 11 I 1 state cr I 1 pa pate t e 1 of first publication september 4 ac loll 1011 date ot of of 61 I 1 e I 1 I 1 it tal fl i I 1 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 14 notice 0 t I 1 C e F for 1 0 r I 1 public publication a 11 01 i de Department Ot the interior I 1 U q B t land office ift 16 at balti ak city I 1 k notice liflie arf hereby reby ulven ahat hat cluife ajder of apty utah alib j tm n Au AUZ aUth 1191 3 1911 11 6 melde alf entry seri serial 4 I 1 IN mo bikk section soa iia firt A ra V 1 W y rind KNE 14 23 Tow n tl sl south I 1 kansas hamud 3 WW viat satt anko meridian hop filed kotce of f intention to f unite three year erti i lo ito establish eatn bUsh plaint rl clui aint to ahe irelnd and above decried bed before carl I 1 lf Maut rutn u uis 11 ot i utah ajic ont hc day of 11 t 1917 october n names a aw ai n 1 I 1 ess esat I 1 i 1 jolin john C taylor tailor grover drover C orton I 1 P 1 i 1 don C pope I 1 1 11 1 1 leo eldir allaf all of intend et 0 u utah dould SUi kely I 1 I 1 I 1 f lo 10 i i 1 ri 7 I 1 att y 1 notly 1 or pu bati depart dap t of th it 1 1 I I 1 ty U lil land 01 ol salt lake city utah 0 O september 8 1917 notice la 18 11 orlAy alac n eliat aliat oriu Ort CaF F spencer veer of ajl uth WAX oil 23 modo desert Ies crt tend entry y 5 erlna Serl nl no for EM SW section 1 ai south rong Q west salt lake Nerl meridian dlan has baa blied flied 4 of intention to final broo 7 10 lo establish claim 0 a I 1 ih hb 0 land above dhove delb ed before the r and receiver I 1 r 1 p V 8 r and office a nt t spit city dutott I 1 on the kith day ok or otiler octo ert 1917 1 cloap axne a BS b I 1 lois lints Sp spencer enber I 1 V 9 t I 1 ivle ivie Sper trier br 11 jacob so rouson im all jl lh howard S sp cancer encerti of uth MO gould ab blakely Bli kely 11 ir 11 v I 1 ltv y i 11 i 41 1 attee notice for riar P 1 I 1 t depart cheta odthe ri interior herfor I 1 i U S land olce at salt atao notice la 19 given saven tho S Susann tib of escalante Esua lante utah ald on january 37 loll 1011 thade aade bioni entry bertal sertal NO 07 for 8 cwg SW W ae Sc action section tion 33 to 6 hip SS 30 sought ranee S enst salt meridian has filed notice bt intention to io chake five year proof I 1 to establish Asta establish blish claim lahie ia lie land giove de dc br I 1 ts abed before oa ca 11 tum U S uta on the tand nd day of september claimant n numea dna as bitnes aest betar etar Sc hurta I 1 corb mr marf A J campbe Camp ben 11 i t 1 t L C ben aft alif 6 lesca escalante lante utah I 1 aoi U blake blakely ly 1 in 1 Ri st glater 1 y I A 1 1 mice for 1 i it i 11 de department arft nent 0 of The Interior I 1 I 1 TT T T S land anna office nt at suit salt Lake La liCHy City utah t adust A pt am i hereby even tt tifft J john ohn 0 bf b henderson Head ereon U t id ahoi Vh W haon oi april atu 1016 niad tirade honl homestead t serial no fai ivr hwu 8 xa 9 lo 10 loett q a 3 4 n 9 8 31 3 south rn rdoe e 2 west 4 P erldean 14 liaa |