Show he ri eville news new 4 there cabeen had ha been rain lately in it ii itis iby is vex ar ard hard lt to 0 dry fc when bon 1 t th a 1 Tv eath is 1 A I 1 I 1 te r an fr f iirth mother mrs mra elizabell ef i wr and nd mra 0 of f widtsoe soe visitors in henrie H enrie ville last born on saturday cpr day sept ath to mr and mrs teo lleo savage airl mr and i laders mrs nel bavage of J nation are visiting mr and mrs Narion arion e of H I 1 I 1 e trisse are of bf watermelons water melons in now they tey A are ref for 0 r sale at the ei e i miss misa nettie anson f cannon non ville I 1 s ils I 1 ti ng kiiss mizle mable cit dynow teh of i i it is reported 00 that school will pot not start here until october it be a great benefit bent k if it doe sent the te school q akune edest 0 service arvice yas was he held id sunday sept C pt ath with mirlon marion savage and C G savage as the speakers r |