Show Sor surprising curo cure of stomach t trouble lil you winve have trouble with your stomach or chronic c e dont imagine that case la Is beyond help belp just because Eie cauze you r doctor falls to give you relief mr G N J f writes ifor for over a month past I 1 have been troubled with my stomach evelyon aff I 1 nto ato upset it 1 l terribly one of chamber bool deta paine tome 1 ine after reading a few of tile lettis letter s from people who had haa leon been euton eui adby by cata n orla inlo stomach and liver aa tablets blots 1 decided to try thorn thom I 1 havo taken nearly three fourths ol of a goof cf them and c can a now eat almost everything s that I 1 want fo for sale gale by all dealers advertisement |