Show TREATMENT FOR LUMPY JAWS most satisfactory way to Is to remove tho growth with knife when in the tissues only by 0 0 the most satisfactory way of treat j ing lumpy jaws la Is to remove the growth with the tha knife when in the tissues only tile the animal Is thrown tho the head then held in a favorable po altion tho the skin Is cut cu cutmyer over the tha tumor and the swell tag removed by cutting around it jn tho the healthy tissues it hemorrhage to la large the vessel tway may be tied or taken up with the forceps bleeding from froin smaller vessels may be eared with a red hot iron the wound should be washed with an antl anti coptic in ono one per cent solution after he tumor Is ia removed end and then packed with antiseptic gauze or cotton and the wound stitched atit ched up tho the next nest day removed the sti stitches tobes aud and treat as an onn ipen wound |