Show anar ibcal maw dr samuel 1 0 paul city health yesterday erdA reek received rec ived eved a report from the lie united states bureau of chemistry in which it W asis ot net fourth that hat a ducted on oil samples of brown paint c clouted in stilt salt lake iG tores showed the presence of ars enic dr paul immediately ordered liis his inspectors to bc dize and destroy nil all of such chocolate cho eho clate to be f found 0 und in salt lake several weeks I 1 ago a small smal I 1 of the material known ng fis brown paint was secured by tho the inspectors it is ie 4 i mineral compound colored find and sweet sweetened ned and alleged to be us ed d for coating eclairs eclaire and other pasties acids and canditto cand itts kt at the time an was made by state chemist herman harms and the substance mia found to contain silica and iron froh oxide which are under tho the federal pure food lavy tho the news |