Show r VAN krinks finast at saddle STALLS A L ita P ON D N chief bourbon no NO I 1 I 1 R J n i S service e r v c e the groate croatt t horn of the times timea considered by the beat bea judges the leest in the great geert state of kentucky stallion about 16 linn ts 3 weighs abndt 1800 pounds can show sorno borno of the best co colts laii in in the west vest there are arc no cold crosses cromes in ills hio breeding sired by th the z worlds champion bourbon king 1788 by bourbon chief by harrison chief 1606 etc dam Champ champion hn more mare stella ward by red cloud 2107 by indian chief 1718 and traces on to Wh whirlwind IrIvin 1 and joke jake the 4 mile race horse eta U ta certificate ficat e shows b bal A tineo tince of breeding breedin ff this thia horse should be stood at ft a high arlo but will stand very cheap at only tu teti dallara Do boll llara Urs for bernis beims cash no insuring done mares marea from froan distance didt auca eared cared for stables t A I 1 J in pang ditch VOY vor fu further raer particulars address 0 W royce roce panguitch wants to selle sell one oded 0 room house with cement found foundation atlon Gra granery nory waon wagon shed one no 46 0 glanb ind and fri ali and ft a store building budding and d fixtures 1750 1760 grain sacks ten ton of oats and 18 acres of land 1109 nt at the south east baat dorn sot or of the north east vi IV d of the north west 14 4 of section 22 town ahia 04 84 34 south 2 west salt lake meridian thence chenco north 36 skoda rods thence west SO 80 thence south SG cods thence east 80 to place 0 af 1 1 IV ath ah water right will take taka tp pay sheep or cattle AAA ads of winder hall for J adair 1 I iW 1 f r r SM de wi vi e E IL A foutz va at ditth t th residence of mr john von in panguitch prepared y vork of all binds E A dentise en tisE blitch building doe ajr kinda 0 o f good dental work l furniture X furniture urn iture complete line lenef ural turo at the panguitch coop co 0 op p carpe carpenter aber work P palting Pam i f ting I 1 chali bo at at home hoffie in panguitch in n june and I 1 solicit the patronage of people of panguitch and vicinity n carpenter citi penter wark and painting I 1 will be glad to figure now by dinall with anyone intending to build if i he 6 will write mo ino at kanab utah H Clite roo 64 6 4 potatoes Potato ea for salt sale at tithing office 50 per bushel I 1 potatoes vot for sale potatoes for sale nt at tile the bu butr tor fly v farm see sea ralph delong 4 49 9 oats potatoes fine F line oats oata and seed potatoes for sale saie by alma barnoy barney panguitch 4 16 house for sale the brick dieli di aff of the late J lage L J age le in panguitch corsale for sale see davd iq cameron strader 41 4 1 potatoes turnips 4 sd coif eid potatoes and ruta ba a I 1 for sale at D J shake fri st W n av tho only nyby to att t lie rhomine rI OMine 1 1 1 R I 1 gal me W J sewing Mft chIne i s to buy die n ac han vilh the name NEW HOME on ile arm and in the legs U thu machine I 1 ro ii S warran warranted td for U FBI B ti fj no other like it no other as good ahe now home sewing machine Compa Coin pany BYI ORANGE MASS SS OPAS oats rot for sale sald choice oats select Rs Re cleaned at at thos Hous Houston houstons tons 8 4 16 15 i it is said that a soldier on the march arch wears out oat a pair of shoeb shoe every SO 80 days this biang t the he ease case the demand for shoes to go to europe will make shoes pretty high in united states before longi so 0 o go right down to darks clarks shoe house and get fitted out while the pric prices esthere there aro are very creaso reasonable nables 49 honey for sale sae A lot of hard honey in n 6 5 gallon cans for sale at low price at tho the horne home of robert church 41 4 1 16 I 1 I 1 k have you i a title abstracts of offit title ie prepared deeds mortgages and all kinds of notary work done 1 at reasonable prices hans P fe licensed yr t n blaker Lar abear j e marysvale Marys vale utah all kinds of uhldine material demerit ement fc paints hardware rubber roofing roof paint shingles lath saelie tind and doors all kinds of giua such auch na as noor frames window po porch r ch am stair vork ork andai and interior interior decorations furnished at low lov I 1 IN IV est prices estimates on sav any kind of building gladly bladl Y furnished lot Us help you to build your home quality price and SeIr service Vire are here 1 l W 11 it hargis argis mgr t 1 I 5 ordinance no 51 an Ammend mena mens to Or dinca no 38 33 relating io to the 1 1 of pool and bilard tables be it ordained D by mayor and city council of panguitch city garfield county state of utah as follows SU section tf on 1 that any person who shall engage in the business of conducting a pool or billard ballard hall ball within the limits of panguitch City Utah shall first obtain a 4 licence alcen lb fileri fol 0 section 2 that for each pool table or each aach billard table lie he shall pay the sum of Doo per annum in advance section 3 that to lo or no 18 as recorded on page book boo k of panguitch city utah in ift hereby repealed 4 this or dinace shall take effect aff act upon iti passage approval and icat ion passed approved this ath day of march A D 1915 councilmen councilman worthen daly and hatch voting aye ind and showalter voting na nay Clemant Tebbs mayor attest sarah ipson city recorder I 1 tate of utah county of garfield city of panguitch S S 1 I sarah ipson the dully elected qualified and acting recorder in and for the city of gamell county state slate of utah hereby cert certify irly that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct copy afan Abi ended abidin ade ace no 88 relating rel aling to the licensing of pool ahil lilliard illard tables passed by the city council and approved by the tha mayor on tho the esth d dv of df march marcha A D 1816 1815 sarah apida CRY chy ne corner alei seal eal notice for publication of 0 til inter interior lor 0 3 land at at att lake lah City Utah march 1 20 6 1013 N notice botica la hereby alren that william 11 rial 1 itne mali ahoon h on june 11 1909 lade butry Serial 0 o for irow of akk S SK 1134 0 SW IS 19 niad N i bof if nr IEM Sect loto 19 own 33 7 K atice 3 bast bait lake me adlan lias has llod filed to of to inho final alve arar proof to establish i laird to lie land alev described before aulito ul ce ki 9 conin laslo iier at AV ali Isider der on day of inna lom 1013 claimant names hs ha seal TL it N X cowles cowie A 0 att arry M laton jr willlam 1 M all of calante utah mall G t R r notice for department of the ali interior U S ead L and anicent office nt SaIt Lake city alty utah march 20 1015 X I 1 alc tlc 0 is 4 hereby viven that Alg Alger ervion tion C tebbs tb T b bf t ol 01 0 f P utah who on aust marfo made desert atry serial no 1 alfor Wl for W 4 of 0 fax N of 20 ind and RK of NC sweetlon 27 31 south rabka 5 wet vest salt loke lahe Mel dlan lias filed n tice of fri intention to make desort 07 lanil land pr proof to establish claim to the land bove above described beffre the clerk of the ilia district coutt court nt at utah on oil ahe he I 1 d daiy diy ty of 0 hnyz 1015 1915 Ci Almant witie nai I 1 alonzio llao mck it 11 C myron J proctor jo evix mccuai jouris all allot of utah E U D t ars I 1 Re glater crotle for publication department of 01 tue tho lut eHor U S land office n at salt take lake city antab febraro 2 20 10 1913 notice Is hereby herby given oat samuel jaje chamoff winder blabs ahoon march sa 2 1912 iga made homestead Homet Ironi estead tead entorf Serl alNo ohp i i to for r s sw w S section ebion 4 tow M anuth mange 2 veit dian his balled filed notice ot of lateltin lat I 1 a ten entin una to make ridal three tear proof to claim to alove abow described before quince U S at wi winder utah on oil the itic ath St liday day of A apall ifil IMP dafni ant kanii a le Willi arit NV 1 samuel M N kolland K obart M an all of winder utah piano for sale J adair nt at winer has a piano for sale nt at small payment down and easy on bal nn anceto ceto ro liable buy J 42 formaldehyde F for or wheat panguitch bruk company i n i y see carhart Carfin rt if yuu you want a good watch vatch or A s good pair of glasses dr james jamea ti paly daly jr r at Pan guch 4 the ideal ladles isles samples are seen at myers ayere store apy time mens su suits alfs 0 of all kinds from it M maii Marlc ind sand we Wea at thoi mores tailoring Ta loring co 1 of chicago over all wool samples prices from 1000 to 2255 2260 J liberal discounts for easa fine line ot of ladles ladle s hatm hata willbe will be bd I 1 on exhibition from the 15 to of march harch during april fine seed alf alfalfa iffa haj iol for sale i 10 acres fine pasture on sale at john E aers tf T f rf r f rw L notice for publication aifili eatla p ya department OV OF THE Y U S land Lan office dOffice salt lake city aali U lah 1 mareli march notice Is IB hereby hea j jived that ciatu 1 Thorn loii itom of winder Ll foLli who on oa Apri tay mt vlada ad end y serial no for N wa swi SM bec ec 33 T 31 S sq NW kaj W wi wa S UYI IBI IK ef 3 11 KM nix na eu SK al mu voi W tik AN A r itu cwi ari SE NI 8 action 4 2 wrate wei salt sali talc has bas filed notice of intent oa MII to make final flo ahree r rep year proof to establish c a 1 1 alts I land aboe abo described before aul quince 1 nt IC kt I 1 r 1 dl ball U V S com i lado tier at winder vilt on allo a day of april Clil Ci almant mant hanjes as ae whis eaves robert kobert X Thomp soll T lellam 11 W berrill corye ceorge flancy all of W MtV Wah h tc 1 U D R relar Rel sr notice department of the interior U S band at salt lake fale city utah march 12 1911 i Mot lila Is hereby bivert that jesse w To phani of wali w ha boott ott MV DC ember ai 1910 1916 in made tic inary V N saria at alno no for sea SC 15 f SW 4 01 of 2 1 and aad ifer if NR 27 V township sa m bunat faanee 0 0 west wat salt aal lake cited vaille licit ice of 0 lutent ioa t tt maki make anai five fire year to establish claim tv to in land jand abode abbie before tit the tilferd til ferl of the f latrica trac crl atla ronan utah on the lil day da of 1015 diab jl nant names as 28 laub lea albyrt 1 cobb nil ton rabb abbat frank all of utah C U f Tl tompson notice for publication department of the Inter intermor for U S lind land at salt lilic city utola 12 1013 j AVO notice t I 1 C to ta hereby given falu n that R M 1 F IM iVArd adf ot bah who on harult ll 11 1310 1 badis da entry serial no W ro r W i of SWIN sw wk of naf of sli aku 14 section 10 town kowm south vatice 8 wet west salt lake me fer r ddlan has ba fild notice of tam to Y malce final fly year tear proof toe it I 1 a I 1 id to u tle the land abo abbie e before the clark T of the court at parowan Pa rowan utah oil 0 the day da of may 1915 claimant lawas as j robe kobert ltv U talbot josept joseph J jona t A alaxander Alax auder adania adams all allot of pa arg roenah nc g utah maii 13 1 D Is Thomp aoi notice por publication publication department of the niter interior lor U S land emco omco lake city utah february rebr uary 12 1913 i alco Is 1 crear 0 alvan ivan that thal grorud geared I 1 aar A ar 1 oi of iv ut ih who oti april 20 IM anad mado homestad katry serial no for lv S W 3 I a vda 1 salt lake llemar Ll eMir dun af f I 1 ji t to taala anal three jear year proof to claim vi tr the laid bore abare before educe K n kinball U S C ci at 4 utah ou oil the tha ind dayot apri arral I 1 im Clain mat names as witnesses orlou ail a ir aty xe eagar triau trI iU all wt U i 11 n r booi ii v kl rr |