Show MEDICINE IS OUT OF PLACE poultry doctor should know more how to prevent sickness than how to cure cur it by it K X YER poultry doctor Is not a profession it Is a mistake there Is no tio need for medical science in the poultry yard good methods and good common sense are better than drugs naturally Natu rolly poultry are hardy very hardy but they must not noi bo be neglected it Is neglect that causes tho many ills that fowls toll fall prey to wo would rather then talk of 0 prevention than of cure in fact we think the poultry doctor should know more inora how to prevent sickness than how to cure lt it there Is one sovereign remedy tor for lt MUL lm 1 in au cases it to Is a good sharp hatchet the man who tries to doctor contagion contag fon in any form lit 19 heaping up for himself a peck of trouble but how can sickness be prevented it must begin with tho the parent stock AU all brooding breeding birds must bo be strong and rugged that will give the foundation it cannot bo be expected that puny inbred pampered stock will produce healthy offspring yet even with such foundation there la Is n no 0 guara guarantee antee of hardiness it if proper care Is not given the fowls the care consists of many things I 1 it calls for a sanitary condition of the houses it moans means the best and purest of feed it wants the stock kept in the proper condition it rules that now new blood must be introduced to avoid inbreeding it points to regularity ot of care it maintains that the stock must be kept active it implies that the house must be so constructed that plenty of ventilation will bo be admitted without allowing drafts it orders generous sized runs in short abort it means keeping tile the fowls in a comfortable happy state poultry require fresh air both day and night to keep thorn them in close tight pens where they will sweat at night is the easiest way to introduce weak constitutions to crowd 25 fowls in quarters built for 15 head Is a very good way to grow idle unprofitable unhealthy stock to overcrowd growing stock is the surest way to produce runts to feed starchy heating foods in summer Is tho the best way to bring on tat and indigestion to allow filth to accumulate in the houses la is the way scaly leg troubles begin to dose fowls the minute they look out of sorts is an excellent method for bringing on all ailments ments in brief the work of the poultry doctor Is not so much to cure OB as it la is to prevent and the man vila knows how to keep keel hens in health Is a much more valuable man on tho the farm than the one who knows of a remedy tor for avery disorder that may arise there is no need to tear fear roup or cholera Ii olera or any disease it if the proper sanitary rules rulea aro are observed keep the fowls in the fresh air but do not expose them to inclement weather hr to drive them out in a storm Is at ac evil equaled only by compelling them to exist an entire day in a hot broiling sun to make them drink stale filthy warm water Is as unhealthful as to feed fead them sour tainted food common sense to is bolter better than a physic regu regular lar proper care beats all the doctor books |