Show 1 houston ward I 1 ka V 4 Si hURy there alier wais a now ward IQ and nam named edthe the houston ward waran r in honor of frost fiest jiin jernes iles houston president james jamed houston arild jno H Il enric bp thos core and adin sunday y school superintendent alm Balney were adiong tho the visit ors oark ii iffla d a iorge crowd of local people were present bhoj 6 4 0 ward was organized or ganim d wil gitil quince O K X kimball as bishop char leti left stoddard aad timer IL hi joreen son pa mhd crozier kin A school meeting aji wa wag held T ThHyra h war rd 0 officers cers tire to be od aln ed d a antt conf fince to ie held leville next week winder r I 1 1 p r osper fous the land iles has bee up pretty nearly oil of it ania year about fifty thousand bush and a great varity 0 of f 6 t 1 products havo boon the people have good dod healt heaU fand 1 ate are blessed A vl 4 contrast to this peace fill amen nt is shown by tho the great warl war when we think of if how fertile v ti le fields there ruined and thoua rn and rid of homes m made ado desolate dea The people of winder have groat great cadge cauto to bd grateful to providence |