Show BEST TO ALLOW THE POULTRY FREE RANGE 11 ILL r e 4 k 4 x 7 A E U M 5 41 75 P I 1 I 1 V Z z P X FX summer roosting boosting Ro house with the common knowledge of the earning of the farm flocks has come a desire to keep more fowls and make their keeping a special department ol of the farm operations on most farms it will prove better and more economical to allow the tha poultry free range during favorable weather and fence oft off the lawn and garden the gains made by the chickens during the bummer are rapid and poultry men are fast beginning to real ize that it they have large healthy birds they must have abundant range during the period when they are growing and developing poultry raised on the farm and hatched and brooded blooded by natural means find the exercise necessary tor for their healthy development and such varieties of food as aro are most conducive to their welfare it will pay any farmer to make his poultry a special branch of his farming and give it the same daily car and attention that he would his dairy cattle horses or swine poultry like sheep that are kept merely as scavengers cannot mako make the profits that they would it if they received proper food and treatment it is the too fat hen more often than not that shows chows blood spots in her difficulty in laying ruptures a small blood vessel and some of the blood appears in the next egg charcoal aids digestion d and corrects many of the ills to which fowls are heir soo see that your poultry Is ie supplied with this essential poultry food during the summer months provide the poultry with plenty of fresh green food during the molting bolting period remember the water supply these hot days it Is better to teed feed sour milk all the time than to make frequent changes change from sweet milk to sour every poultry house should face either south or southeast at least one third of the south side should bo glass cloth or screened A cornfield provides animal food shade and good scratching ground for chickens turn them into the corn field they get a lot of free picking and do not damage the crop advertising Is the keynote to the poultry mans success tell the other people what you have to sell grade up the hock flock every year do this by culling carefully everything that is not desirable never under any circumstances keep more birds than you can take care of well cull the flock closely keep the best and prepare the rest for market constant thought and judgment are necessary in poultry raising uniform nest boxes add to the attractiveness tr of the house the poultry house and yard ab should be well drained always practice absolute cleanliness in feeding |