Show GOOD METHOD OF FATTENING practice of feeding birds in small ya yards ads or pens la Is preferred I 1 for market chickens dy by C BROWN minnesota expert ment station tho the loose looe pen method of fattening fat 9 market chickens might bo be properly described as the practice of feeding the in small email yards or pens in lots of from twenty five to fifty we prefer p re this method for broilers or coa cock k berels of tho the lighter breeds such as leghorns Leg horns na as they are very active and are likely to be reit restless less in tho the crate our plan is to have a small coop or shelter for ro with a small yard attached the whole structure being portable lable each morning at feeding time tho the coop is moved a distance equal to its to give a a clean floor tor for the chicks chich S where the coop la Is placed in an orchard or grove it serves a double purpose for besides accommodating the chickens it enriches the soll boll A coop large enough for thirty broilers should be three feet wide six feet long two feet high at the back and three feet high at the front with three roosts boosts running lengthwise the yard should bo be madeoy three hurdles two 12 feet long and 18 inches high one six feet wide and a large hurdle to cover the top to keep the chicks from flying over |