Show TRIED REMEDY FOR THE GRIP A M I 1 lift U 0 co foley kidney pills promptly tho the suffering buffering due dua to weak in active kidneys and painful bladder action I 1 they rhey offer a powerful help to natura in ia building up the true excreting kid ney tissue in restoring normal actions and in regulating bladder irregularities try them send for sample no in biall at I 1 cordei AGENTS on roade made br bi sorn 6 ele W II 11 1 1 HUL 1110 04 eari at re et new N ew ya york r k CHILDLESS M tha women once WWI 1 11 0 W 1 1 a and pit n well with healthy ca 1 lull how In thams dublo compound u moila 3 0 I 1 foBil ble hero are r r 0 0 a writa eliam it if you want to and learn thousands for yourself they wa are only a low fe W out oat of ra r our oar arst baby la is strong and healthy healt liy antt lye ve attribute attrib uto tills this ro suit bult to the timely uso usa of 0 your compound Oom pound 11 mrs mra You Axt 0 lont oregon I 1 awo my life mal A I 1 e h ve tny my babas rood good health x to your C mrs lira W 0 it II V F U D no 8 2 alabama Ala banu 15 I 1 have three dill 7 dren aud ana took your each tl mo PW q r 1 I hayo bare a lovely baby boy and you 1 U ciui 11 1 t toll e ta 1 1 every 0 0 ono 1 ay diat 1 h ho I 1 is s ati n vh a ml bab baby mo ins Elac nEn 33 munroe st COI arl stadt N J MM www wo are at I 1 bl mo dmd with a sweet 11 little atlo babygirl baby girl 11 mrs 0 A L k r x nouan montegut la I 1 have one ona of tho bab baby I 1 eirl 1 1 L ayou C efi E fi ra CT 0 avor T 3 r 9 a w I 1 art oia I 1 X 1013 1012 B S oil etli MI et bt wilmington NO NC se my husband atho Is tho happiest man alive t today av 31 mra buiu OZ tn la 19 s 81 t iluff buffalo ate NY now I 1 have a aloo baby girl tho the joy ot of our borne 11 ALM do 24 SYLVA COTE no III ou 5 is be gito gate st bt rca tor mus mm 1 I aitto a fine 5 baby daughter daugh tor now ow mrs A A amr DowItt villo N NY Ys itsuto 41 1 I lavo ft a bix blar fat healthy boy 11 31 linia irsA A rs n no N no ho it 4 B baltimore ohio HEAD BEGAN TO FESTER 11 0 dox 65 greenville cal last tall fall my baby boy two and a halt years old tell and hit the back of his head on the door casing cutting quite a basil I 1 thought it would heal right away so when I 1 picked him up and washed hla his head bead I 1 put some on an it andee and bo soon boon was playing again the next morning there was a scab over jt it tut lut after a few days it began to fester had and other sores camo came near it they commenced at his neck and gradually spread to the top of his bis head bead the eruption was like ulcerated pimples and itched ditched and irritated him awfully especially at night when he be would scratch and dig his bla head bead I 1 had hard work to keep him from scratching them ills his hair fell out where the sores were thickest the sores looked red and mattered I 1 had bad all his hair cut close to his bis head so 00 I 1 could get the Cuti cura ointment on vell veil night and morning and I 1 washed his head well with the he cuti cura soap after a few applications night and morning the itching stopped and no more new bored came in two it was healed nicely and in three weeks ho he was cured and there is not even a ascar scar on his head bead sign signed ed mrs A B D wolters welters dec 17 1912 Cuti cura soap and ointment sold throughout the world sample of each freewith 32 1 skin book address postcard Cuti cura dept L doston boston ady PUTNAM t IT T ra jj N A IM olor color kooda brighter and faster colors colora than an any jc Y tan daany without abare apart W backache Badi ache Is awarding thousands suffer kidney ills unawares not knowing that the lie backache head 01 i ache sand ous dizzy all tired C c condition ondi tion are ara often due to kidney weakness alono alone anybody who suffers fe rs constantly from backache should suspect the tha kidney i some soma irregularity of the secretions may give J just tho the needed proof doans kidney pills have been curing ili 1 backache and sick k k bidne kidneys Ys forever for over fifty years yean d A north case caio it trier Oiin doND BITI mr at anil arl ib TIPI u and I 1 con satsa ant I 1 sleep on a cOunt of kidney weakness my mr babir baokwei aras lime larno and more kire and I 1 felt miserable li ligans kans kidney illet cured n rod mound kimn I 1 tiute have had oc clon caslon to tue hum since they ibey have bava never failed we cio get doans at t any store star we a box D DOANS 1 1 0 A N S P I 1 it 16 8 FOSTER CO BUFFALO N Y tufts pills e the dyspeptic to tat cat whatever b ha wishes the cause 0 athe the tood ox to nourish the body five appetite and DEVELOP FLESH W dr tutt manufacturing co vow new york boric P I 1 SOIS S OIS REMEDY R E M E DY IT a 0 be ls MR FOR COUGHS AND COLD colda S ta RUBBER GOODS SOLO SOLD DIRECT tree free co college view neb j box off SENT ON OH APP ROYAl WN 3 lj address down on if 11 bend from which to alk plo we IOU fun nov NOT co i ad barlogi arg kiks aia 0 0 send bend formy special pin LADIES L bond name and co zau 13 jackson av AT knoxville tenn W N U salt lake city no X N 1 v V t 0 to ol 01 for rn infanta fantis aud and children 4 tao I 1 the kind you have rk it alfau it bought V i ALCOHOL 3 PETI PER CENT y Aige table Prep preparation aralio coras mm N I 1 simil abing afing the bears the N 0 o eting ling the mea stomachs and bowels bolvi s of n big signature mature SPro 4 promotes motes rul I 1 I 1 ness and neither of 0 opium morphine nor mineral NOT NARCOTIC y L W R i j n 1 caf ro 40 A berf c I 1 remedy tor constina use artion sour to convulsions feverish aness iq ness and LOSS OF SLEEP ik 31 forever M fac signature of t k aex fazi ff Zi tic THC centaur CompA COMPANY wy thirty years NEW ya VORK R K 0 4 the exact copy of wrapper Wrap por a OU O U 60 AY W vor ally leader and repeater SMOKELESS POWDER SHELLS Care fuDy inspected shells the best com 1 bi nations of powder shot and wadding in loaded oade by machines which give invariable jn results are responsible for the superiority MS of winchester leader and repeater factory loaded Sm powder shella there is no guesswork in m loading them Rc reliability liability velocity pattern and penetration are arc determined da by scientific apparatus and practical experiments dov do vou U sh shoot oot them if not ja bettar try the band they are the FIRST CHOICE OF THE BEST SHOTS IF 8 A A ila m IT L T w nag 0 JU dvir YE X S other dve vt one loc package colors all fibers aliey dye tn in cold water better than any other dm d OR FREE booklet calendar blotters bloaters bl otters etc MONROE DRUG COMPANY volncy I 1 aj 4 irv |